@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Your efforts have been feverish.
Is your purpose with this thread to stimulate a discussion on this topic or to catigate Republicans?
If you recall I was once a republican and despised on this forum for that reason. Now I am just despised because probably I am a jerk.
The day I began to "catigate Republicans" I believe you mean castigate (good word).
Fair question and thanks for asking. The day I saw the republicans out on the streets protesting gay marriage was the day I said, "ahh haa! They are actually going to stand for something rather than just obstruct everything."
The republicans stand for "pro life" while the deny gays marriage. They stand nearly in totality against universal health care. They stand against job creation probably so they can keep a strangle hold on the middle class. They care little if not at all for the poor. These are things they stand for.
As an agnostic I can honestly say I do not know if there is a god. But I know it is the right thing to feed the poor. I am not confused and I do believe it is right that gays should be able to marry. I believe in universal healthcare. Why? Because I believe massive sums of wealth are a privilege of society. This privilege granted by the people alongside human achievement and liberty.
The republicans stand for things. I happen to not stand with them any longer. Their bold and hateful stance is very evident. They are racist, they are greedy money grubbing parasites on the ass of a festering dead pig.
I see no reason to not call a spade a spade. Someday I may know god exists or does not exist but I know what the republicans believe... I have seen their despicable votes in congress and the senate. I have heard their racist radio commentators stirring up hatred. It seems they do not have one single motivation born out of the heart..
So are they persons? Are they alive?