Baldimo wrote:
The ads you refer to are usually lawyers who are after a buck. The drug companies have done much more to help people then they have to hurt people. As someone noted above, thalidamide is currently used in other countries and they don't seem to have the same issues we did.
If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing for free, and our drug companies have always charged what the market will bear, plus advertizing cost... Do that many men suffer from erectile disfunction??? Why does no one offer them a pill to be happy they don't have to bump their uglies with anyone no more...Let's get this straight... You don't want to disappoint the woman you are cheating on your wife to be with, you might go blind, or she might turn blue at any moment, and you might have to call your doctor because your hard on may last for more than four hours; and who wants that??? Why not hand out pills that can let you fck and fart at the same time since the whole situation is probably going to stink anyway, and, it is good to multitask... The possible side effects alone should be enough to discourage anyone from taking some of these meds, but since they advertize the side effects with the meds, you can't say that you weren't warned... It is crazy... I take a lot of vitamins to get by with an active life while I enjoy a lot of old work injuries... I really don't think there is a cure out there for unhappiness, or a meaningless life, or a multitude of bad habits, or the want of love... The poisons we must suffer as a result of our economic activity has no cure but the expensive one of cleaning up our messes... For the rich to believe their medicine may cure them will the poor must suffer and die from the same man made conditions is outrageous.... It is all an expense, like that of keeping so many in jail, that no society can long bear...