@Finn dAbuzz,
I agree, you don't see this type of advertising here, on Canadian channels, it's always on American channels. My point is, that I don't believe most drug companies are altruistic in nature, they are there for the profits. And although I think ambulance chasers are the worst type of scum, there is some truth in the ads. These drugs often have side effects that are often worse than the disease.
I remember listening to a member of Parliament a few years ago, his teenage daughter was prescribed a drug for an eating disorder, not bulimia and the like, she had been throwing up, not by her own hand or spoon... The drugs she was prescribed should never have been given to a young girl. This was the fault of her doctor. Often doctors are not really aware of side effects, they don't or cant keep up with all the new RX info. He gave the stats for prescription drug deaths and the number was astounding. He was on a mission to change these devastating numbers.
I've just surfed the net and put in prescription drug deaths, over 3 million pages popped up. Some are obviously caused by overdose and abuse but frequently this is not the case, it's adverse reaction to drugs.
Watch any advertisement for new drugs and the list of side effects is often longer than the rest of the feel good tripe and smiley faces used to promote them.