Seriously, what did you find frightening about this video?
This woman would have us believe that
1) Gadaffi was an enlightened ruler, beloved by his people
2) Conditions in Libya were superior to anywhere else in Northern Africa and the Middle East
3) Democracy has failed in the West
4) The West has embarked on a new wave of imperialism that not only targeted Libya, but is targeting Syria, Iran, and Venezuela
5) The rebels who may or may not have lynched black skinned Gaddafi mercenaries were NATO "ground forces"
6) The people she spoke with, who had nothing but good things to say about Gaddafi and Libya, were not influenced by the presence of Gaddafi's secret police or part of and beneficiaries of the Gaddafi tribal network.
7) The roughly 5 million Libyans who opposed the Gaddafi regime didn't know a good thing when they had it, or had been bought off by Western Imperialists
8) Al Jazeera is a tool of Western Imperialism
9) The Arab Spring was incited by Western Imperialists
And these are only the preposterous claims I can recall from listening to the video.
Let me get this straight:
Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy are the bad guys while Gaddafi, Assad, The Iranian Mullahs and Chavez are the good guys?
How does an intelligent woman develop such a loathing for her people, her nation and her civilization that she is able to elevate bloody handed murderers to sainthood simply to enable her to criticize anything and everything that the West does?
It's frightening alright, but not for the reasons I suspect you find it to be so.