Rockhead wrote:
your dad was Grumpy?
No....Dwarfy. Well, he WAS Grumpy an awful lot at home. Charmin' outside the home, not so charmin' within.
I don't know how tall he was.....I outgrew him at about 10...but he was almost fifty when I was born, and came from a home where all the kids had malnutrition, so I guess he had shrunk by then. he wasn't really a little person...just a short one. had little man syndrome in spades, poor guy.
What amazes me is that the social dictate that men were taller than women made it a total shock to me the day I noticed that my mother was much taller! I had literally been blinded by custom!
I am lucky she was tall as I have ended up average height...there's a lot of short folk in my dad's family.
Not that there's anything wrong with it!