Trust is a big issue for you why?
You've stated two things:-
Quote:I honestly do not think that she'd cheat
Quote:She also doesn't have the mindset/conscious to hold anything like that in.
So, you "honestly" don't believe she would ever cheat.
Ask yourself honestly, given her parents did not agree, or like what she did, would you have? Therefore, would you have let her go to this party and smoke dope? I doubt it.
We as individuals belong to ourselves... All her life, and still now, as she lives at home, her parents make the final decisions... You as a boyfriend, are also making her final decisions... Ensuring she is pretty much with you every day, not out of your sight, being a parent...and being controlling.
She was your first, and hers yours..that usually accounts for something. She has "tried" to tell you "don't worry" but she has also tried to tell you, quit controlling me and being my parent..
We all rebel as kids, geez I certainly did...
And, when we chose a partner it's togetherness, not so we have someone else watching our every move.
You need to not ask, if she fees guilty what for? For being herself? For doing something she wanted to do that wasn't hurting you? Be it right or wrong over what she was doing "in your eyes or her parents", point being she did not feel that she could communicate with you and that means that you are treating her like a parent and so, just like she lied to them, she did to you.
Take on your own responsibilities here.