Every religion proven to be based upon a foundation of lies

Thu 29 Sep, 2011 04:48 am
@reasoning logic,

Is it possible for inter breeding of other hominoids to cause the changes in our modern human DNA?

Could this be how we evolved maybe Neanderthal and Australopithecus interbred

Not possible. That would be like a fox and a wolf getting married and their first child being a leopard.
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 04:58 am
Your comparisons crack me up, so you are saying Homo sapiens is to Hominid as Feline is to Canine.
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 07:07 am
There's a giant DNA difference between humans and chimpanzees. The difference between us and the closest hominid, the Neanderthal, is roughly half of that, which is still huge.
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 07:27 am
Making bullshit up does't lend you any credibility. I say you're a young earth creationist, who is too dishonest to publicly admit that you're crusing on religious dogma rather than scientific fact.
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 07:38 am
Wrong, gunga. The difference between us and chimpanzees is pretty small, smaller than the difference between, for example, lions and tigers or horses and zebras, yet those species can interbreed, in spite of different numbers of chromosomes (some of those crosses are fertile, some are not). No one has empirically tested it yet, but a human-chimp hybrid is not outside the realm of possibility, and modern human-Neandertha offspring apparently happened--we're their descendants. You're wrong as usual, gunga.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 10:57 am
I am David Jeffrey Spetch and the management of this site just suspended my account claiming spam. Yet another weak and pathetic site of bias management who likely know I deal with fact and blow away all lies truths and belief as I am about to reveal here with you all right now. They exemplify that you too all cower from a factual fundamentalist. I formulated responses to the other threads but this is the only response I have time to share under these circomstances.

Chinspinner, No actually this proves evolution and beyond evolution. Only when life occurs is there evolution. Adapt, evolve to survive.

Kuvasz, I notice you completely avoid the factual evidence as clearly presented within the article then you attempt to dictate to me what it is going to take to complete my task. Pathetic you attempt this and then go on about ignorance of others when you yourself clearly ignore what fact has already so easily proven.

You guys can go on about the truth all ya want but in the end the truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs fact every time. It is either falsified (lie) or verified (fact) just like beliefs or lies.

Reasoning Logic, It's not about supporting reason over faith, I for example have faith in my abilities / believe in my abilities to accomplish my goals here and in this instance sharing the facts which prove that the very foundation of every religion is based upon lies. I do this for the coming of the destruction of such lowly filth known as religion. And you want me to practice ignorance which is religions only defense? What makes you think I could be happy ignoring the fact that lies have lead to the death of millions / billions? That's like watching your family burn in a house while you stand outside doing nothing! I care about the well being of the future of the life on this planet to play the part of the ignorant fool. Having faith in things that actually exist is perfectly acceptable, but having faith in factually proven lies which have lead to the death of millions / billions over thousands of years is greedy selfish ignorant low life conduct for it proves you value lies more than you value life.

Reasoning Logic, You asked someone else if people of faith are psychopaths. The issue really is that the religious value lies more than they value life and proof is that they are religious supporting lies which have lead to the death of millions / billions. Thousands of years of war and divide and yet religious filth still diseases the earth which is proof that the Earth is a loony bin Wink

Fil Albuquerque

You say
"The issue in here is to confuse an Anthropological problem with a Religion problem"

No the issue here is factual evidence proving the foundation of every religion is based upon lies, of which not one person here contested that very factual evidence. The issue here is that5 religious lies has lead to the death of millions / billions over thousands of years. the issue here is do you value lies more than you value life? The issue here is the destruction of such lowly filth / religion for the well being of the future of the life on this planet.

Also Fil, you ask someone "Do you believe in a God?" when you avoid the very factual evidence proving there is no such thing as a god as clearly demonstrated within the very article beginning this thread. Clearly is support of religious ignorance!

You also say Fil

"At times they may both generate--or fall upon--true and false conclusions--all of which are, historically speaking, provisional (e.g.,Nietzsche) and dependent on social consensus (e.g., Kuhn). "

again, the truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs fact every time. It is either falsified by fact or verified by fact there becomes recognized as fact because it is truth no more. It either becomes revealed as a lie or verified as fact.

"Christians have a bad press and are hated e.g. by the starter of this topic"

I do not hate anyone or anything, I love and care about the life on this planet and therefor I act upon the future of it. That doesn't mean that I am not disgusted with the religious. Also you don't have to like someone to love them or care about them! But I guess that is way too hard for you to understand all by yourself Wink so here I am for you. So pathetic that the religious try to pass off anyone that opposes their filth as a hater.
Fil also says "we will always believe something...having the ideal is not having the thing...we may improve but we will indeed always believe something even if more complexly elaborated... "
Again, I believe in my ability to get through to the world. At least I exist as do my abilities, yet my belief in my abilities are whats yet to be proven.

How is Buddha filth religion you ask IGM, Buddha pushed the lie known as god for power and control over the many. A greedy selfish low life!

.Fresco, funny how everyone avoids contradicting the very factual evidence as clearly presented within the article which proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies and instead they attempt to make anything else the issue. Clearly ignorance which is religions only defence.

Reasoning Logic said

"That sounds good, now we just need to get everyone to stop believing in Gods so that we can move forward as a species! "

Bravo. Stop claiming to believe in that which is proven not to exist especially because such pathetic lies have lead to the death of millions / billions over thousands of years.

Fresco however claims that quest is futile which is yet just another example of religious ignorance and well ignorance is religions only defence. Fresco also seems to be disillusioned with the idea that freeing the globe from lies which has lead us to war and divide for thousands of years is an attempt to control. Well I would rather control be in the hands of a globe accepting recognition of fact rather than ignorance towards fact as such disgusting ignorance has lead to war and divide for thousands of years over filthy religious lies. You obviously value lies more than you value life hence you support such pathetic filthy disgusting behaviour while practising ignorance towards fact.

I also notice talk about atheists, when I love the idea of clearly pointing out that Atheists are merely those who believe religions are based upon lies. I however, as a factual fundamentalist (not atheists at all) have proven with non contestable factual evidence that every religions foundation is based upon lies. Notice not one person here even so much as attempted to contradict that very factual evidence as clearly demonstrated within the very article beginning this very thread Wink lmfao! As a factual fundamentalist, I avoid backing claims with lies truth or belief because again that is all the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact every time.
what makes a religion a religion is that it is based upon some silly story about how we / everything came into existence. Including that Buddha low life scum bag Wink As all life such as this Buddha or that Jesus scum bag, I love and care about all life however that doesn't detract from my disgust with the selfish greedy ignorant low lifes!
JLNobody (you sound a little hard on yourself there somebody Wink but I see you wrote "exactly...there you have it, the reality ! res cogitans and extensa together not apart...can you see the cogitans in the extensa and the extensa in the cogitans ? That is the question to me...function and computation is my middle term compromise..."
and all I have to say to that is lmfao wtf? lol!!! I'm not even going to bother breaking out the dictionary lol.
Reasoning Logic says "In a 'sun behind the clouds' way i.e. it is temporarily obscured but it just needs to be uncovered. So we have everything we need but we haven't accessed it yet. A cloudless sky reveals the sun. When this happens the clouds didn't cease to exist but changed and that change revealed the sun... so to speak."
Fact is that it doesn't matter if you believe that the sun gives off heat, or that it gives off light because it is recognized as fact already. Just like it doesn't matter if you believe that the clouds form from water always because it's recognized as fact.

lol, Fil also says "novelty like fashion it is an illusion of the young...indeed we eventually often later in life come to learn that the world changes and stays the same !
The geometry´s and landscape´s of the soul are no different in any sense then the geometry´s and landscapes of the world...and thus believing the world is more then geometry, or any less with it for description, is not knowing a thing about geometry, nor about the world...

...in fact it is true that there´s nothing but form ! "

In fact the truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs fact every time. We learn the fact that we exist and that the world exists and that the only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs because energy matter and time are always present. Believing in that which is factually proven to exist is at least a reasonable belief Wink such again as I believing in my abilities (I factually exist, my abilities factually exist) to get through to the world.

Fil says "the problem with beliefs is that understanding is made of them..." the problem with belief is that people abuse it with lies thus we have had religion plaguing the globe with war and divide only so that the greedy and the selfish ignorant can continue to manifest such lies for power and control over the many from a time of weakness. Time of weakness, were you a baby? Did you just lose a loved one? were you starving / homeless? Did you just endure a natural disaster? etc. the list goes on and on and on and on ....

and now we have a gungasnake whatever the ? that is, who says:

"Christianity is based on a system of ethics and philosophy mainly described in the sermon on the mount and the so-called golden rule i.e. the command to treat others as you would be treated. How is that a lie?

Other than that, the main two alternatives in the world i.e. I-slam and the theory of evolution are known to be total bullshit, which doesn't really leave much in the way of alternatives."

The foundation upon which Christianity is based is proven to be lies and I notice you avoid the very factual information which proves it as clearly revealed with the article beginning this very thread. Christianity, as all other religions have been stealing from society to attribute what they steal to their filthy foundation of lies to aid the selfish and the greedy in taking advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many. For example, a thousand years before the Christians stole from society through some guy or woman carving what they call the ten commandments in stone, would you want you family murdered, your possessions stolen, your wife raped etc.? Ya think! You low lifes even stole the cross from the dead. A symbol marking a grave in hopes to command respect for a fallen loved one. You see a stick poking out of the ground, and you are likely not to think much of it, but if you see another stick tied to it thus making a cross, you would recognize the symbol as a grave. One of the all time the greedy selfish low lifes that ever existed Jesus took the lies of his religious filth to those of the lies of other religious filth and was slung up on a cross. Thus a fine example of religious filth leading to war and divide, and a fine example of religious stealing from even the dead in attempt to attribute everything they can get their grubby little hands on to their filthy foundation of disgusting lies thus referring to the cross as a crucifix. Oh and people never had names before religion existed in your delusional little bubble right snake? Oh no the religious steal even names from people in desperate attempt to attribute what they steal from society to their filthy pathetic fundamental of lies. I could go on and on and on and on, but I think I gave enough to consolidate my point. The religious steal everything they can get their grubby little hands on in desperate attempt to attribute what they steal to their foundation of lies to aid the selfish and the greedy in taking advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many. If anything is a hate crime, religion is the biggest hate crime against humanity that every existed and thousands of years prove it gungasnake.

Jews through their religious filth claim to be chosen and yet that very claim has lead those of other religions to want to destroy / annihilate them and well it has been going on for thousands of years which prove they are chosen to be revealed as the retards for making such a claim to begin with. Religious filth leads to war and divide because they are all based upon a foundation of lies to begin with, from there some of them such as the Jews try and give themselves a superiority complex which conveys to others of other religions that their religion is lesser thus contributes to the war and divide devised by such ignorant greedy selfish low life aka the religious.
also gunga, I notice having skimmed over allott of your responses, you sure makeallotot ovacantt un backed claims in desperate attempt to make what is intowhatt your delusional head would rather it be.

Why not try to base your claims on solid fact instead of making vacant claims based upon delusion? I already know that the reason is because ignorance is religions only defence Wink
JLNobody says to Fil about snake,

"Bravo. Glad someone has the energy to answer him."

LMFAO Wink thanks for the laugh, my bag hit the floor.

Gungasnake says "If you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshit, right? "
which is the mono for all religious. Well said and thanks for admitting the obvious of which you yourself exemplifies quite clearly!
Fil, don't let gunga snakes delusional mind set consume you even for a second. I believe that it is not worth your time and effort. Perhaps consider as I do, take the negativity thrown at you and sort it out with fact before handing it back Smile I too sometimes let them get to me as well, but as I see you do, I love to dish it out as well. If you are going to dish it out though, it helps to be constructive while you do it is what I believe Wink
Reasoning Logic says to gungasnake "I have a question for you. Are you interested in in learning point of views other than what you already hold? "
Fil I advise that you take snake off ignore and deal with it, experience the ignorance of the religious for it does exist and for you to get primal experience I really do advise you take snake off ignore thank you. I'm guessing that you're beginning to love this huge response to you all Wink
gungasnake exemplifies right here on this very thread the fact that religious filth leads to war and divide. Thanks snake.

Setanta exemplifies religious ignorance is stating
"This religion thing has gotten so stale. Everybody with a religious ax to grind is either asserting the superiority of their preferred delusion, or their preferred delusion is in asserting the superiority of their anti-religious world view. It's tedious. Those who disgust me most right now are the Buddhists and the militant atheists. The Buddhist want to pretend that their preferred belief set is not a standard religion, while ranting away about their spiritual superiority. The militant atheists behave just as do the religious fanatics they deplore, and are equally dogmatic.

Dog preserve us from the lot of them. "
Now that was entirely a vacant un backed slew of claims in desperate attempt to dumb down the fact that religious lies lead to war and divide and is of up most importance to destroy such disgusting filth for the well being fot he future of the life on this planet. I assert non contestable fact proving that the very foundation of every religion is based upon lies and yet Setanta completely ignores the evidence as clearly demonstrated within the very article beginning this very thread and instead uses Setanta's delusions claiming it is other who are delusional and yet Sentanta like many here completely avoids the facts as demonstrated within the article beginning this thread.

lol Wayne, that was cute. However your not wanting to see all the christian crap is exemplifying ignorance towards the problem and yet think ignorance is religions only defense. You are a best friend to something you despise and yet you do not even realize it al by yourself Wink Hence lucky for you I am here lol
Thomas, that wasn't very nice, the whole we know where you live malarkey directed towards Setanta. That makes me angry despite the lies and ignorance this Sentanta supports. I myself have been using my real name and even have articles out there including my recent address because such threats I slaughter with ease when directed towards me over the last decade. Such implications make me very angry. For example anyone wants a piece of me, I not afraid of any of you or your fluff! Bring it on, there is no better cause to die / suffer for than what I fight for. I do not advocate violence, I am very much against it so such implications do make me very angry when directed at anyone. So you back off Sentanta with such implications thanks. Religion has already done more than enough damage!

Grapes are grown from water and then turned into whine all the time Fil. Like duh!

and I say, when is it going to finally sink in that ignorance is religions only defence? lol Wink

Fudge, this is way too easy.
Pemerson, again I back all of my claims with fact because the truth lies and belief are all the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact every time. I bet you would love if I were so stupid to waste my time taking such drivel for advice.

And, Too You All:
I hope you forgive that I do not use the traditional methods of correspondence here. For me, when I come across a high volume of correspondence, I have to save every page on the library computer I use then take it home to my disconnected computer, copy all responses and quote them myself on word pad where I construct what I now share. I then take this back to the library where I run it through spell check and then deliver it here. (I am very bad for typos and never claimed to profess traditional spelling or grammar lol and my old IBM Pentium 3 doesn't have word perfect etc.) I know it's a little different from what you are use to on this site. I like how this site works that way for when I do have time to respond from the library. This is a response to the first 7 pages (kaboom) where I left a response is that last thing I saved before coming back here today. I just thought I would shoot that out there so you all at least understand why I respond using this method. That's a little of me being considerate towards all of you Wink because I love ya and care about you all. Just remember, that doesn't mean I have to like you Wink or that I am not completely disgusted with the religious. In a way it's like you are all little babies and I am here to clear up your misconceptions and for me it is quite the easy task Wink because I am a factual fundamentalist. You may see me as cocky, and understandably so but I do at least back my claims on fundamental global issues with fact because it is indeed recognition of fact that is the bottom line. Don't forget to wash your hands, brush your teeth, bathe / shower because I believe it it very important for you (you factually exist) to take care of yourself (your abilities factually exist) to sustain your health as an individual. And most importantly notice you all avoided addressing the very non contestable factual evidence which proves that the very foundation of every religion is based upon lies and such lies have been leading to the death of millions / billions over thousands of years. Now think, are you one of those (religious) who value lies more than life? If you are do not expect to be taken serious for you are proving to be only the fool who even betrays your very own blood lines ya bunch of dummies.

Very Happy


Thu 29 Sep, 2011 11:01 am
No, this is a site that knows spam when it sees it. You were attempting to link your sites, undoubtedly hoping to profit from it. That's not what this site is about. I reported you to the moderators, and if you pull that **** again, i'm going to report you again.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 11:13 am
I can only imagine the sort of rant someone would have to post in order to receive from you a response like:

"Exactly! Now you know what you're talking about."

Can I assume that since Happymanplays has admitted to being someone whose account was just suspended, the Happymanplays account will immediately suspended?

Unfortunately there's a lot of places where someone can get a free e-mail address.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 11:16 am
Making bullshit up does't lend you any credibility. I say you're a young earth creationist, who is too dishonest to publicly admit that you're crusing on religious dogma rather than scientific fact...

I'm guessing that some Christian girl used to kick your ass on a quasi-daily basis when you were little or some Christian dog or cat used to bite you when you walked by or something or that some other deep sort of pathology is involved here, your conduct on this forum is beyond ordinary boorishness.

Other than that I'm not a young earth creationist in the normal sense. I mean, we have the one planet (VENUS) which actually does appear to be ballpark for some sort of 6k - 10k year age and SHOWS it (900F surface temp, 90-bar CO2 atmosphere, massive thermal imbalance etc. etc.) and since Earth and Mars do not look like that in any way, shape, or manner, you have to assume they are substantially older.

But not billions of years older. Robert Bass once redid Lord Kelvin's heat equations for the Earth WITH a maximal figure for radioactive elements on the right side of the equation and got an upper bound of around 200M years.

Thu 29 Sep, 2011 11:27 am
Your playground taunts are hilarious, and in line with the maturity you commonly display here.

Your astronomical cosmology is as hilarious as your religious cosmology. At least no one can accuse you of not contributing to the comic relief around here.
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 11:32 am
You're not being fair, scientists may have used rigorous scientific methods, but Gunga has hands -on experience. If anyone could get a monkey pregnant, it's Gunga, he's devoted his life to such endeavours. So if Gunga says it ain't so, it ain't so, or he might just be a jaffa.
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 11:36 am
A callous and cavalier insult to jaffas everywhere . . .
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 04:42 pm
And you want me to practice ignorance which is religions only defense? What makes you think I could be happy ignoring the fact that lies have lead to the death of millions / billions? That's like watching your family burn in a house while you stand outside doing nothing! I care about the well being of the future of the life on this planet to play the part of the ignorant fool. Having faith in things that actually exist is perfectly acceptable, but having faith in factually proven lies which have lead to the death of millions / billions over thousands of years is greedy selfish ignorant low life conduct for it proves you value lies more than you value life.

You do have good reason to be concerned and I think that we should do what we can to get people thinking but do you empirically know what you are up against?

We all have neurological and psychological differences, You will have a little better chance enlightening people outside the mental hospital than you would enlightening one who is inside that has serious delusions.

We are not perfect people, we come from apes and you want us to understand? All of us? Is there a possibility that not everyone is going to be able to get your message? Your not alone wanting a better world, people have been wanting it from the time that they were able to contemplate such an idea!

You are very smart but do you think that drugs or alcohol could impair your ability to see reality the best that you possibly can?

first video is cool and short, the second one is people who share some of your concerns. Very brilliant people in my opinion!

0 Replies
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 09:18 pm
The foundation upon which Christianity is based is proven to be lies...

The foundation upon which Christianity is based is the comnmand to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

How is that a lie?
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 10:06 pm
that's not the foundation that christianity rests on, so its truth is irrelevant (it's also a moral principle, which is neither true nor false--it's something you can choose to live by or not but its not falsifiable (or provable either)
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 10:48 pm
Gosh you guys are such teases...

OK...Pastor Jack, what is the foundation that Christianity rests upon?

(I always wondered what sort of kid actually liked playing "Mother May I?" I bet you loved it.)
Fri 30 Sep, 2011 07:09 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
One thing I notice... In sharp contrast to the founders of other religions, Jesus' ministry was here in this world amongst ordinary people. You will not find anything about Jesus sitting on a mountain top until he became "enlightened(TM)", sitting around in a cave for 30 years until he started to hallucinate (St. John "the devine"), flying off to heaven on a magic carpet or magic camel to receive "Allah(TM)'s" instructions for enslaving the world, using "prophecy stones" to translate a formula for brewing beer into a holy book (Joseph Smith), or anything like that at all.
Fri 30 Sep, 2011 07:12 am
Or going into the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights to battle with Satan.
Fri 30 Sep, 2011 07:15 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
For that matter... Another thing Jesus never did was demand that his ideas be taught as a "FACT(TM)" in public schools at public expense and that anybody teaching anything else be summarily fired, blackballed, and ostracized by polite society.

You can see why I say that for an evoloser to convert directly to Christianity could easily be too much for some of them to swallow in a single setting and might overload their systems and kill them, which is why I recommend Rastafari to evolosers and libtards generally.

Rastafari is a big step upwards from evolution but it's still just dopey enough that somebody moving from evoloserism to Rastafari probably won't die of shock.
0 Replies
Fri 30 Sep, 2011 07:16 am
Izzy the POOP,
Da, da da, da da da da......

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