Every religion proven to be based upon a foundation of lies

Fri 23 Sep, 2011 12:17 pm
Every religion proven to be based upon a foundation of lies

(there I condensed this for you)

Religion has proven to be the biggest hate crime against humanity that ever existed and it was devised by and serves the greedy and the selfish who seek to use / create such lies / delusions to take advantage of the general population from a time of weakness. Time of weakness: were you a baby, were you facing eviction, did you just lose a loves one, were you hungry, were you homeless, did you just murder someone, did you just land in jail / get out of jail, did you just get busted, did you just get a divorce, were you lonely did you just endure a natural disaster etc. If they wanted to help you they would help you, but they don't want to help you which is why they push their religious filth upon you in exchange for their so called help. They stoop so low to even use starving children in third world countries in attempt to promote their religious filth.
Now the mind blowing material you are about to read ( and obviously for thousands of years no one else has been capable of doing such until I came along and have been doing it for the last decade) I'll keep short but sweet. Also what you are about to read I can share with someone by talking with them in about two minutes. I also am aware that for thousands of years that greedy / selfish deceptions have evolved brainwashing techniques to the point of telling people that what I am about to share with you can not be proven and yet watch what non contestable fact reveals as I prove them all liars with the greatest of ease. They tell you this because they will say and do anything to keep control over the many for power and control over the many. These are the most ignorant, and selfish / greedy people the globe has ever hosted. and I am about to share with you the very factual evidence that proves it.
First off the fundamental of any / every religion is some ridiculous story about how we came to be / exist in our present form.
Non contestable factual evidence which proves that every religion that ever existed is based upon lies is quite simply as follows:
Energy = the exertion of force.
Matter = what makes up mass.
Time = the endless duration it takes for all change to occur.
It takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.
Proof that energy matter and time always was, is, and always will be is that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. In other words the fact of the matter is that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness. The fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Which is the very non contestable factual evidence which proves what we / everything is in our present form and how we came into existence. The only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs and that is because energy matter and time are always present.
You want to contest this as fact, then quite simply share with us all even just one factual example of anything that exists going poof into nothingness, or even just one factual example of anything going poof from nothingness into existence. You will never find one example of such because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.
For anything to first develop intelligence, or come into existence to develop an intelligence, or use that intelligence to come up with a plan or put that plan into motion (to first be able to create / re create) it takes three things, it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Quite clearly this is evidence which already has easily proven beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as a god (which is the fundamental lie of many religions) and that the fundamental of every religion is based upon lies is non touchable.
It is easily proven with multitudes of factual examples that energy exists, that matter exists and that time exists and these factual examples are everywhere around us all which is the very non contestable factual evidence which proves how we all came into existence in our present form. All lies fabricated as truth and belief of every religion crumbles vs. this simple fact and yet the worlds agony is prolonged by the selfish and greedy religious because they resort to ignorance while pleading for tolerance and like this guy on Sun TV's The Source even try and speak for the public claiming that it is even too boring for the public to even have cause for concern.
Now I have had people even try to pass off energy as god (to no surprise as the religious will desperately squirm making up any lie they can to justify their sick disease because ignorance towards fact is their only defense) Proof that energy is not a god is quite simply this:
Praying or worshiping is a disgusting sign of ignorance towards respecting your environments for what they do or do not provide for you. All these people of all of these religions who's fundamental is a lie known as god pray to or worship this lie/god thus acknowledging that they also believe that this lie/god has intellect to be able to understand worship or prayers to begin with. Yet for anything to first come into existence to be able to develop an intellect or to use that intellect to put a plan into motion thus re create with the energy and matter already present, it first takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for any of this to first occur because again not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness.
which is the very non contestable evidence which not only so easily proves that there is no such thing as a god, but that the very foundation / fundamental of every religion is based upon lies.
At best there is some alien life form [of which again "For anything to first develop intelligence, or come into existence to develop an intelligence, or use that intelligence to come up with a plan or put that plan into motion (to first be able to create / re create) it takes three things, it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter."] taking credit for what even created it thus proving again this alien is no more than a liar for taking credit for what even created it / us and everything throughout the universe in it's present form!
So there you have it and to this day not one person has contested any of it with even a shred of validity.
Now if this disgusting filth based upon a fundamental of lies known as religion hadn’t been already leading the globe to war and divide for thousands of years (to the death of millions / billions) I wouldn't be so concerned but it has and it is still in the Canadian constitution as a freedom and we have such bias crap like sun TV promoting it, well that certainly and obviously does not say much for people who claim to care about this country / world and just let this continue on while doing nothing about it. I care.
Some call it a can of worms (way more than likely are the religious saying it) to re open the Canadian constitution and re write out that out dated malarkey that is in it. Eventually it will need to be done and the sooner it is done, the better off we will be as long as it is done genuinely. Of course at the time it was written the religious had a hand in governing which it why it is bias to begin with. It is time to remove the religious filth from the Anthem too.
For all of you that think you can do what I do / that it is so easily and common of a thing, then you explain to me how it is that for thousands of years and out of billions of people that I am the first to address this problem of religion existing with non contestable factual evidence proving that every religion across the board is based upon a foundation of lies. Again not one person has contested this factual evidence with a trace of validity and no one else shared this factual information before I did.
I even had a woman at a library try to tell me that I am narrow minded because I have never been outside of this universe lmfao. she tried to use that as evidence proving that it doesn't take energy matter and time to recreate energy and matter. What makes up a universe? Is what it's composed of to exist as a universe and what makes up composition within a universe is energy matter and time re creating energy and matter. I mean really people, what else other than what a universe is composed of makes a universe a universe? Yet people are trying to tell me that I am no smarter than them because I am a pauper / financially broke. lol seriously. No one / not many understand the sacrifices I have made to to do what I do and that is OK because I understand general / stereotypical mentalities of people who feel belittled by someone, with less money than them that has a brain in their head and apply themselves on a global level of impact, are going to attempt to bend you to their will because of their lack of understanding in even the simplest of things. It's not about me (so go ahead and try and make me out to be the issue) and it's not about who is richer than who. It's about caring for the well being of the future of the life on the planet and raising awareness to what fact proves because the facts are the bottom line. For me it is about putting the world before myself and it doesn't concern me that others may not understand what it takes to do what I do because they don't have what it takes themselves obviously. Lies truths beliefs etc are nothing more than the garbage that crumbles when pit vs fact and in this instance the religious know it which is exactly why they practice ignorance because they don't care that they prolong the globes suffering just so they can life in a bubble of ignorance while spreading their sick disease while calling themselves good this or that when really what they are good is quite obviously lying, cheating, stealing, bullying, manipulating society while pushing religious filth upon society primarily.
Those of every religion, for supporting religion proves that they value lies more than they value life. I have hope for every one of you so called religious to start caring more about life than filthy religious lies and proving it by simply throwing their religious filth where it belongs which is in the garbage! Primarily we are all human, as we were before religion existed as we will be with religion no more.
I was glad to see Charges dropped on our heroes in the heavy metal band who burned a bible recently. I was so appalled to hear about that they were charged for being disgusted with such filthy lies which have already lead to the death of millions / billions over thousands of years in the first place. I mean this world has become quite sick.
It is time for society to exit retard (religion) and enter reason (recognition of fact) and the best thing that could possibly happen for the well being of us all / all life on this planet is the destruction of such filthy lies which lead to war and divide, the destruction of the filth known as religion. Religion primarily inspires lying, cheating, stealing, war, divide, death only so the ignorant can live in an ignorant bubble at the rest of the globes expense while the selfish and the greedy come up with new ways to pass the blame off on everything else. The primary reason our societies are so messed up in so many ways is because of these very things that religion has inspired through generations over thousands of years.
Of course anyone who opposes religious filth / lies is made out to be a hater when really I do it because I for one care about the well being of the future of the life on this planet, I value life more than lies unlike the religious who are proven to value the opposite. I guess that is their way of desperately attempting to drag everyone who opposes their filth down to their level / with their sinking ship.
Thousands of years prove religion a miserable failure

David jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Fri 23 Sep, 2011 05:04 pm
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
It stems from simple evolution. If you hear the wind rustle through the grass and you believe it to be a tiger, and run, you will live even if it is the wind. If you do not run and it proves to be a tiger you will die and your genes will with you. We are predisposed to believe in things that do not exist.

I agree with the sentiment of your post, but not the tone.
0 Replies
Fri 23 Sep, 2011 08:44 pm
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
You're late to the party. Kurt Vonnegut mined this in '63 with his book Cat's Cradle where he introduced Bokononism.

Book of Bokonon

Verse 1: All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies.

Verses 2-4 : In the beginning, God created the earth, and he looked upon it in His cosmic loneliness.

And God said, "Let Us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what We have done." And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close as mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. "What is the purpose of all this?" he asked politely.

"Everything must have a purpose?" asked God.

"Certainly," said man.

"Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this," said God.

And He went away.

Verse 5: Live by the foma (lies) that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy.

btw: you wont be able to get rid of religion until you can find something else that provides sentient beings with the following functions:

The four functions of religion:
1. Mystical – realizing the wonder of the universe, awe before the mystery
2. Cosmological – a picture of the universe (e.g., Hebrew worldview).
3. Sociological – supports and validates a particular social order.
4. Pedagogical – how to live a human life.
Fri 23 Sep, 2011 08:48 pm
I honestly beleive that freedom from superstition does provide this.
1. Scientific discovery.
2. Just look above you at night.
3. We are a social animal, that is how we have evolved and that is what we are.
4. As above.
Fri 23 Sep, 2011 09:06 pm
Speaking for yourself is not the same as having it comfort the rest of humanity. Just because your philosophy works for you, you can not predict that it will work with the rest of humanity, and we are in fact talking about religion qua religion, not personal philosophies. Until you can raise the consciousness of people beyond the current status your ideas will be like mustard seeds thrown onto rocky soil.

Fri 23 Sep, 2011 09:14 pm
ok, I cannot apologise for the ignorance of others.
Sat 24 Sep, 2011 01:48 am
Note the view that "truth" is socially negotiated. To argue otherwise could be to fall into the the same "simplicity trap" advocated in the OP.
Sat 24 Sep, 2011 11:29 am
Greetings, Fresco. We, or at least I must be getting old, because recently each time I venture on to this site and read through "religious"/"philosophy" threads, I am increasingly astonished at the shallowness of observation.

btw 'spinner, I 'm not the person who "thumbed you down."
Sat 24 Sep, 2011 01:29 pm
Yes. I don't think it's been quite the same since "the formalists" joined from another forum. Very few seem to have kept up with post Wittgenstein developments (Kuhn, Rorty, Derrida et al) in which "functionality" and "paradigms" have come to the fore in the place of "authoritative epistemology".

0 Replies
reasoning logic
Sat 24 Sep, 2011 06:06 pm
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
The world sucks doesn't it?

We are slow to evolve and with all the psychopaths in the world it will be a long time to come before we have the majority of people supporting reason over faith.
My advice to you is just live, be happy and have no expectations and you may find yourself happier! People will only advance when they are ready, there is nothing wrong with sharing your ideas but it can be depressing to see that most are not open minded to new ideas.
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 24 Sep, 2011 08:49 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

We are slow to evolve and with all the psychopaths in the world it will be a long time to come before we have the majority of people supporting reason over faith.

Are you saying that people of faith are psychopaths?
reasoning logic
Sun 25 Sep, 2011 05:07 am
@Finn dAbuzz,

Are you saying that people of faith are psychopaths?

No not exactly, Some people of faith would not want to hurt a fly but then you have others that could easily be seen as psychopaths. I would say that a majority of this world are sociopaths taught by their environment {psychopathic teachers]

Finn dAbuzz
Sun 25 Sep, 2011 08:23 am
@reasoning logic,
Then I'm not sure what your point is other than ineffective hyperbole.

You can say the following about any group:

"Some (fill in the blank) would not want to hurt a fly but then you have others that could easily be seen as psychopaths"

You then go on to assert that a majority of the world's population are sociopaths.

So if it really will take a very long time before most of the peopl in the world support reason over faith, it won't be because of the tenacity of the faithful, but the fact that the planet is, essentially, a loony bin.
Fil Albuquerque
Sun 25 Sep, 2011 08:35 am
@reasoning logic,
The issue in here is to confuse an Anthropological problem with a Religion problem...faith, or believe in, is not a phenomena exclusive to Religion, or on how Religion in particular organizes a comprehensive model of the world...on the contrary, is the very nature of the world, and in it, the nature of the human being, which defines how faith is manifested in Religion as in any other system of belief which is not justified by reason...people should give some serious thought to this, as at this point it seems obvious to me we are pursuing a false demon with this simple minded and shallow approach to the problem...
Fil Albuquerque
Sun 25 Sep, 2011 08:43 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
...in fact he is right concerning the number of potential psychopaths around... I think the number is 65% of the population...where he gets it wrong is in relating that with Religion in particular...a study done in the 60´s incredibly showed that the vast majority of people will follow orders which they realise are morally condemnable up to the last consequences...initially they were expecting the number to go around 1% to 3%...just imagine the surprise they got after the results getting out...
reasoning logic
Sun 25 Sep, 2011 09:06 am
@Fil Albuquerque,

people should give some serious thought to this, as at this point it seems obvious to me we are pursuing a false demon with this simple minded and shallow approach to the problem...

Do you believe in a God?

I do agree with you 100% {Anthropological} But religion seems to be the main group holding people back by preaching in absolute terms and not wanting people to question what they believe to be true.

Just have faith and believe amen?

reasoning logic
Sun 25 Sep, 2011 09:19 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
the planet is, essentially, a loony bin.

Well kind of!
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Sun 25 Sep, 2011 09:21 am
@reasoning logic,
1 - I would agree that specially in the Arab world as in US there is a problem with Religious groups that must be addressed...the thing is that the problem will persist with any other form of belief if we don´t dig deeper into the problem...
(I mean beyond the scope of Religion)

2 - In normal parameters I can be considered for practical purposes an Atheist...my "God" if it is the case we can call it "God" is very much the Einstein´s God...

...this is a quote from another thread reply I presented which can be useful in here...

maybe, maybe not...it matters to know where faith comes from...or what drives faith in the very act of believing something...it could be argued that faith is a pre-intuition of reason...the pre recognition of what must be done emerging from the relative parameters of a group of people, on the first step process of interpreting the commandments of Law...on that light, faith is not yet the expression of a fully organized comprehensible system from where the law can be reasonably derived, but just an intuitive crude sketch...
...what I mean is that while the will in faith has a positive intent of getting it right towards reason, the very informal pre organizational action in faith renders its nature insufficient to firmly account for such reason...

...in turn reason is attained not when you get to final truth but when you get into a functional set of rules optimizing operatively the general common good, insured or measured, as the maximum ability of computing work...

3 - The problem with faith is that we are not engaging on its demand for resolution, which can be pursued in reason...extreme relativism will exponentiate the present dysfunctionality of faith !
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Sun 25 Sep, 2011 09:27 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
where he gets it wrong is in relating that with Religion in particular

What in particular did get I wrong about religion?
Fil Albuquerque
Sun 25 Sep, 2011 09:30 am
@reasoning logic,
...this is not to say that you did get it all wrong, but partially wrong...

I meant that Religion is not particularly responsible for people to be blindly faithful to a belief system...but that such tendency is very much a condition imbued in the species DNA which is then manifested in Religion as in other differentiated belief systems not rationally justified...

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