@reasoning logic,
Both you and your friend in the vid are assuming that man's relationship with God was always as it is now i.e. entirely via faith. That is not the case.
History can be roughly divided into three periods wrt communication with God and spirits:
1. The antediluvian period during which communication was direct.
2. The period after the flood and the tower of Babel and prior to Alexander during which communication with spirits was via the practices you read about in the Bible and other literature of the same time (oracles, prophets, witchcraft/familiar spirits, idols and rituals associated with them, and electrostatic devices including the ark and pyramids).
3. The present period beginning sometime somewhere prior to Alexander, when all such practices ceased to work and all communication with the spirit realm broke down.
All of the practices in period 2 involved trance states like hypnosis, they all involved obliteration of consciousness as we know it, they all involved static electricity in quantities greater than found on the planet today, and they all stopped working prior to Alexander. Any claim of prophecy since that time is bullshit.
Julian Jaynes was partially right in categorizing the phenomena involved in such practices as "auditory hallucinations", i.e. in the case of idols and their associated rituals there is no reason to think anything else was involved. In the case of oracles and prophets, there is more reason to believe that they worked for a period of centuries after the exodus. Cities and nations ran almost entirely on information from oracles and prophets for centuries before the breakdown.
During the times of period 2., if God told somebody to kill somebody, there were these possibilities:
1. God really did want whoever it was killed for some good reason.
2. Somebody else in the spirit world claiming to be God wanted somebody killed.
3. The system was glitching and the listener thought God was telling him to go kill somebody.
When Israelites ultimately realized that the ark was no longer capable of producing real information or of communicating with Jahveh in a rational manner, they almost certainly took the thing out to some very remote place and buried it, to eliminate any further danger to the world. That would have been a century or two prior to Alexander.