jcboy wrote:Mr. David please tell me you’re not serious.
You don’t really think a kid deserves to be shot in the stomach for throwing rocks?
I don t see anything rong with it.
He brought it on himself; he was
NOT innocent.
If he learns from this, then maybe he
WILL be innocent in the future.
jcboy wrote:Did you throw rocks when you were a kid? I sure did.
I don 't remember doing that.
For SURE, I did
not throw rocks at people nor their property.
I threw knives at targets and later, I shot guns and shot arrows at targets,
along with other kids, but
never anything to offend a person
nor to damage anyone 's property.
jcboy wrote:I remember once throwing one in the air and it came down and hit my friend in the head, he got six stitches.
If it was an
ACCIDENT, then it was different than this kid,
who threw them with malice. (That is the inference that I take from
this article,
not that he threw rocks at cars by
jcboy wrote:I’m thankful I wasn’t punished by being shot in the stomach with a crossbow.
Accidents are different than
malicious conduct.