@reasoning logic,
Quote:What is wrong with saying that there are some things that we do not understand and that it may be possible that some things may just exist by chance like us or a God and so forth?
I told you I was psychic! I knew you would ask me this!
Because, if you know it is empirically, by chance...
Than that is as good, as saying you know nothing, about it...
You can not know something empirically, and know it was chance...
If it is empirically, then you know it...If it is by chance, then you do not know it...
If someone knows something was empirically chance...Then they know nothing empirically, or chance, about it, and are best guessing...Like a theory...
God does not fit in there...If he is empirically known...The people know he is real...If he is by chance...No one knows anything empirically, about him...
And if he is known to be empirically chance...then it is a best guess...both known, and guess...
Some believe he exists...So he is empirically...Some believe he does not...So he is chance...
He is not empirically chance...That would mean people would have both a known, and guess in there, and they don't