Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 01:50 am
@reasoning logic,
Please do not mind me or take anything I say personal because I ask some bazaar questions at times with no harm intended because I am studying human behavior.

I don't mind it, or take it personal...But it does bother me, when you ask these questions, because you "think" people act socopathic...But you do not self evaluate yourself...

Have you ever said anything like this to your sister?

No, I have not...That is my point, and if you go back and reread...All I was doing was using Found's image as a simile...I can appreciate someone's beauty...

And it was a joke...

It had nothing to do with sex...other than a meaningless joke...As I was not really even thinking about it...Or being serious...As I have never been to a strip club, or gotten a lap dance...

I do not see a problem with being serious about it but if it was on your mind all the time then you may be over consumed by it.

And, if that is how you feel about me, I am saying, you may have the same problem...

If you see, I was not serious...Then I take it, you are joking, when you say it, as well...
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 01:53 am
Spades, I had dinner at home with my "family" ... Being fiance and daughter.

She wrote a great card to me, made my day. We had duck (gawd I feel bad) cooked by the chef, a bottle of wine and some exotic cakes that his ex-wife (there is that ex) who I get along with very well and encourage my other half to continue to do so as well, it purely wasn't the one, so to speak, anyways, it was a great night ... Very spoilt and loved. Who could complain about that.

I can't...never had duck...Was does it taste like?

Sounds like you had a great party...I am happy you did!!! Wink Wink Very Happy
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Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 02:21 am
Hey mate...Watched some tryouts for the Olympics, last night...When do they start, mate?
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Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 02:45 am
Have you ever said anything like this to your sister?

No, I have not...That is my point, and if you go back and reread...All I was doing was using Found's image as a simile...I can appreciate someone's beauty...

And it was a joke...

It had nothing to do with sex...other than a meaningless joke...As I was not really even thinking about it...Or being serious...As I have never been to a strip club, or gotten a lap dance...

I guess, you may be right, maybe, I do not look at Found, like a sister...

But It was a meaningless joke...

All I was saying, is that, I would not mind if someone, like Found....(using her beauty) was to do something, such as a lap dance...But it was all, a joke...And it shows, I really did not mean it, for it, to be Found herself...

But someone, who looked like she does...As I do not truly think about her that way...But not like a sister, either...

But since you are into the studying of human behavior....And no self-evaluation...I will do it for you!

If you went into a strip club, and wanted a lap dance...Would you get it, or not, if the person looked like your sister? Or someone you knew?

If you would not, why would you "think" about getting one, before, that thought enters your mind?

And if you would, Do you think about your sister in that way?

I told you how I feel, and would never get one anyways, and never be in that situation...

I would not treat another woman, like I do not treat my mother....(like you said about morality)

But the difference is...With one woman....Who I love...and think about sexually...Whether right or wrong...(we discussed this before)

Not just random women, to gratify myself...

It does not excite me, to think sexually about people, I do not even know...

And use their beauty, to self-gratify myself...

Now, how about you?
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 03:59 am
Maybe you misunderstand izzy. Most misogynists do.

That's what women are actually evolved like you see. It is impossible to have a proper relationship with women in any other way.

Bill Greenwell put it neatly in a line of one of his poems. "The last rasping gasp of the mantis's groom."

Have you not read Ted Hughes's Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being? Or seen Dylan sing What Can I Do For You? Or Sir Cliff's Living Doll?

If you define "close relationship" in your own way you have a self-serving tautology on your plate. Those men who can get past that define psychopaths and psychoses in a completely different way. The way you define them is mere support for the original tautology.

80% of my company's business involves women torturing their husbands. A few of the husbands admit it.

The Romantic Agony by Mario Praz is a good introduction. And Erich Neumann's The Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype.

In The Seven Year Itch the Ewell character is adapting Little Women for TV.

Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 04:03 am
Have you not read The Odyssey?
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 04:14 am
In 1962, Praz was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II and became a Knight Commander of the British Empire KBE.
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Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 05:13 am
Maybe you misunderstand izzy. Most misogynists do.

I don't think Izzy is a misogynist...

Even if he misunderstood you...

Closed relationships...The way Izzy describes it...Is closed...But the 2 people, agree on the same things...There is no self-defining about it...

Just going around, and shagging people...Who your are not serious enough, to be partners with...Or have a relationship with...Just to get your rocks off...

Is much more misogynist, than having a closed relationship...Even if it has flaws....

What does the Church say, about, what you do??

The Bible?

2 flesh become one, they are one...?

Love your husband/wife (partner) till DEATH do you part...?

If you have even thought about sex with a person...It is as good as being married?

If you even think about another women, you are guilty of adultery?

And how can you know for sure, you will be tormented, if you have never been in a solid relationship?

That 80% thing, means nothing...It is all about who YOU chose to be with...

If you have good morals...You will be one of those 20%...

I think you are looking at it backwards, if you think his definition...Is misogynistic...And yours is not...It seems clear, you just do this...To gratify yourself...

Your inability, to be willing to settle down with someone, for fear they will torment you...But being with them, to gratify yourself.... Not Equal anyone who thinks of a closed relationship = a misogynist... 2 Cents
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 05:19 am
Spades , Duck is like a "game" type of meat.

As for your post about me Shocked Bluntly I think you need to find a woman, every man has sexual urges, only "some" look at pictures and visualise and imagine not necessarily with that woman just the thought of "a" woman.

Get out and quit staying at home.

Not sure the response you will get by that post lols.

Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 05:50 am
Spades , Duck is like a "game" type of meat.

That still does not help me...I have never eatin' hunted things...

Can you tell me a type of meat, we are all familiar with?

As for your post about me Shocked Bluntly I think you need to find a woman, every man has sexual urges, only "some" look at pictures and visualise and imagine not necessarily with that woman just the thought of "a" woman.

I do at times....But not to a women, I do not know...My soul mate...Or past girlfriends....You understood it was just a joke? And I was complimenting you? Right? On your looks...With someone, I would (jokingly) visualize with, if I wanted to...And not you? As you are someone, who is a friend of mine...And someone, who is happy, already...

Even if, I was wrong for doing it...I would never try to pervert your mind...Only saying a joke...

Get out and quit staying at home.

I do all the time...I am not interested, in meeting someone...

Not sure the response you will get by that post lols.

Well, now you know! Wink Wink Wink Very Happy

Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 05:58 am
Duck is a lot like goose. It's a dark meat, and very fatty. The Chinese roast it at a very high temperature so the skin crisps up. I tend to cook such things long and cool, but you have to turn the heat up at the end to avoid a layer of fat between the skin and meat. It goes well with plum, orange, cherries or gooseberry sauces. You need something fruity with it to cut through the rich flavour.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 05:59 am
spendius wrote:

Have you not read The Odyssey?

Is it set in Dublin?
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 06:02 am
Being called a misogynist by you, is like being called a tax avoider by Jimmy Carr.
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Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 06:03 am
Thanks mate! I do not think I would like it...I do not like much meat...And do not like dark meats...
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Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 06:27 am
You'll have to do better than that Spade.

Pointing out FS's good looks is a signifier of your misogynistic bone marrow. They have to meet with your looking them over and approving of them it seems. That's called body fascism. You have bought into the Madison Avenue woman.

You can't parlez your very limited education into a moral crusade. You can get a second hand paperback of The Romantic Agony for $50.

If it looks like a woman, walks like a woman and talks like a woman then it is a woman. Henry Miller said--"I don't understand women, I just shag 'em."

One might make a study of women who had choices. To see if there is any pattern I mean. There's plenty to go at in such a project. There's the sale catalogue of Madame de Pompadour's effects, for example, after she passed away and France heaved a sigh of relief. And the bill of lading when The Bounty set sail. With special refernce to the "gifts for the natives" section. That gives the same impression to me as seeing a DIY store adjacent to a store specialising in feminine luxury.

Who hasn't been bought a Black and Decker Workmate for his birthday. With his own money.

I was once bought a sweater with "SCHOOL'S OUT" across the front. I forget what was on the back but it was along the same lines.

Rita May, Rita May,
I'm gonna have to go to college,
You are the book of knowledge.
Rita May.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 07:25 am
Is it set in Dublin?

It's crazier than Dublin.

Just as with Joyce, it is a mistake to read Homer too rapidly because one is only reading it in order to say one has read it.

And Homer has a translator. Putting Ulysses into Greek would be something of a task. They don't know what a "fusby widow" is in Greece. I read the Andrew translation. I have read another but it didn't really do it although I suspect I was guilty of the fault I mentioned. With hindsight I wouldn't hold that translator responsible.

It's has loads of immaculate conceptions. There's a lot of heroes begat by a God. Joyce took the opposite line. Scientific. Laid things open a bit in line with the facts which the ancient Greeks avoided by sentimental literary conceits which we all laugh at. Nobody ever goes to the toilet in Homer. Joyce saw that as a challenge, for a writer in a rational age where reality is the new god, but didn't feel he ought to make too much of it. Just enough to show he had faced it and was content to allow his readers to imagine what he could have done had he put his back into it. How long would you have pondered which literary production for Bloom to wipe his arse on?

It comes as quite a surprise to turn over to page 48 of Ulysses to read--

MR LEOPOLD BLOOM ATE WITH RELISH THE INNER ORGANS OF beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liver slices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencod's roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine.

There's nothing remotely like that in Homer.

What does the hero of your book like?

Both books are always to hand.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 08:34 am
He's smaller than me.

Homer never wrote anything like this either.

hes mad on the subject of drawers thats plain to be seen always skeezing at those brazenfaced things on the bicycles with their skirts blowing up to their navels even when Milly and I were out with him at the open air fete that one in the cream muslin standing right against the sun so he could see every atom she had on when he saw me from behind following in the rain

I can imagine you appreciating that bit.

Tony Robinson did two good versions of both the Iliad and Odyssey for schoolkids. Have you seen this?

Another good retelling.
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Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 02:09 pm
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 02:24 pm
You'll have to do better than that Spade.

Pointing out FS's good looks is a signifier of your misogynistic bone marrow. They have to meet with your looking them over and approving of them it seems. That's called body fascism. You have bought into the Madison Avenue woman.

No, I don't have to do better than that, Spendius...And here's why...

There is nothing wrong with appreciating someone's beauty...

I am not doing it, for them to meet my approval...

There is something wrong, with using it, to gratify yourself...

Then you ARE, using them, to meet your approval...

Which I have never done, to Found, and will not do....

Have I ever done it? With others? Yes, and I was wrong for doing it then, just as I am wrong, if I do it now...

But by the Bible, and Church, you are also guilty of this...And have misogynistic bone marrow, as well...And not one, does not...

But you simply can not, side step this...Because you "think" that going around and shagging people, just because...Is not, just as, if not more, immoral...And makes you much bigger of a misogynist, than I...

Even if, the Bible is right, and anyone who thinks about it, is guilty of doing it...

I would rather, think about it...And only hurt myself, to God...as we are the only ones, who know about it...

Than actually, physically, do it to others...With no purpose, to settle down, with them...

If they are important enough, for you to lay down, with, and have sex with them...They are important enough, to have a closed relationship with them...

Regardless, if you think you will be tortured...You made that mistake, with laying down, with them, then...

I have learned this the hard way...

If you are not serious enough, to do that...You might as well be a Virgin...

And be celibate, to God, Like your Church says...

And if the Bible is wrong, Then no harm, no foul, in thinking about someone...Even if morally, it seems wrong...

And it still, is a worse thing, to physically sleep with people, you are not interested, in being with...

It is much more misogynistic...Because they are only in your life, to gratify yourself...

And you're not even interested in them, if you get them pregnant...by accident...etc...

What you describe doing...Is just as misogynistic, if not worse, than anyone, thinking sexually, about anyone...

And if it is just as bad...You clearly, are not my judge and jury....Which makes you a huge hypocrite....Because once again, you do not seem to be able to understand you do the same exact, if not worse...But feel it is a good thing...To look down upon others, and tell them how harmful, or bad of a person, they really are....That is the difference, you never seem to grasp...So I will continue to point it out, to you, every time you do it!

What about words of encouragement, your Church, talks about?

Anyway you gratify yourself, is an immoral thing, it does not matter, if it is mentally, or physically, (based on the Bible) So since, I understand this...And man up....And you do not...I really do not appreciate what you say....And do not take what you say as words of encouragement...

That is why I reject it, and do not embrace your views of the Church, or Christianity....

So, I am already admitting my faults...and coming to grips with them...You are not....That is why, your words do not carry much weight, as to what, people should be doing....And not doing...And why, I see you, as a hypocrite...
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 02:59 pm
Man! It had to be close to 105* F...today...And it, almost never, gets that hot in CT....

Was it really hot, today Logic??
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