Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 07:00 pm
Your accusations are wrong, as is most of what you say on here. You make stuff up as you go along. You’re as dense as London Fog.

What am I wrong about?

You did not answer me, Who is Jim, and who is Morgan??

I am not going to debate this...but I am SURE, Jeff voted me down...

Just because this Morgan, and Jim did, does not mean that Jeff did not...

So how am I wrong?

Some of my posts read -4, because of a bunch of people...Who felt like making a statement...It means there were at least 5 who felt inclined to do it...

Is it possible, 3 of them, are Jim, Jeff, and Morgan? Or is this not possible?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 07:05 pm
You mis-interperated that. This has nothing to do with any debate with Set.

Sorry hun, it seemed to me, it did...

I am being assertive! Can't you see it! Thanks for the backup, and I appreciate, being able to stand on my own 2 feet!! Wink Wink Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy 2 Cents

And in return, I am not gonna be a back scratch, neither...

Which allows you to be more assertive, as well! If that is what you think, makes someone more assertive ...Wink Wink Very Happy 2 Cents

I think, I am almost positive, when your birthday is...But I will not post it...

I just hope you have a Luscious day!

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 07:28 pm
Just another reason why you are a moron. You do realize that your brain has to have certain receptors to be able to intake certain chemicals. For example when people smoke pot, the thc molecules can attach themselves to the receptors in the brain which causes a chemical result in the brain. Now if you smoke maple leaves or cat nip, nothing happens because there are no brain receptors capible of doing anything with the chemicals you just absorbed.

Let me spell this out for you because you are so dense you never connect anything. If a god created you, then he created you with the ability to get high. Without these special receptors in the brain, smoking pot wouldn't do anything to you. They are required. So if drugs are from hell, then this god purposely created you with the ability to absorb these chemicals and that they would result in something. Just another aspect of how your reasoning is retarded but if you aren't retarded, then your god is for creating this absurd circular reasoning.

"I'm going to give you a choice but if you chose B then I am going to torture you for ever for it, but hey you get a free choice."


Good! Glad you feel this way! Then continue to take those hallucinogenic drugs, that you take, if you think you can, torment my brain, and me, and relate to me, and my higher consciousness...

Because I sure as hell, do not take any drugs, to achieve this effect!!! Idea 2 Cents

So what drugs will you be taking to be receptive of my higher consciousness, and torment me?? Idea Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 07:44 pm
Not as articulate as you Spades, I should have replied to you and then Set separately, that's all..

Being assertive is a form of behavior characterized by a confident declaration or affirmation of a statement without need of proof; this affirms the person's rights or point of view without either aggressively threatening the rights of another (assuming a position of dominance) or submissively permitting another to ignore or deny one's rights or point of view.[1]

Interesting Spades if you want to go deeper into the word, read the above Smile

Birthdays are old, I am young Smile Thank you for your wishes.

RL is correct, I have been your friend all the way through and that won't stop, but I don't think I need to post anymore when I feel that you are down, you seem to get back up again...

Regardless of what people think of anyone what is important is good and clear communication, read that quote again..
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:16 pm
How could you genuinely think this, if you have not read the Bible, and do not step foot in a church?
Firstly. We all have our own beliefs right? And, it's based on those beliefs that you come to a conclusion. Naturally, like everyone else, we were read the Bible or parts of it at one stage, or saw a movie over a Christmas period. Like everyone else, I have in-deed entered a Church. I find the buildings beautiful, I loathe the modern day brick Churches. I have only once that I recall attended an Easter Mass, by request of my Brother-In-Law, and I have obviously attended my niece and nephews Christenings, that is not what I am saying. I am saying I refuse to "go to Church" I would not believe a word that was spoken and I feel it's full of greed and adultry for the main part. Off course there has to be some Priests that are genuine and some Churches that are not there to make money, one would hope.

So, I genuinely think this as this is my belief.. The Bible is man made and the Church is man made ....Now. If you believe you speak to God, ask him as he would agree with me. It's been pulled apart, changed, and the Churches are run much like Polititions for power.. Not all, mostly.

You already answered that question that you read the Bible to find things in there that you can say "aha, I knew it" .. As for Church I hope that you don't contribute with dollars and I hope that you don't believe every word, brainwashing can occur too ... Doesn't mean as you know that I don't believe that there is not a God. I do believe there is one.

Because, whether someone has the right to get upset or not...We all do it...It is just right, that I happen to accept this...And apologize when I do it...Others seem to overlook this...Or not feel the need...That is why I do not get mad at them, that they do not understand it...

Far better a man whom does not allow words to bother him, rather ignore it as childish or wrong, or that's their perspective or thoughts not yours. I sure will use the F word if I am quoting someone back but frankly, ranting it over and over how can that do you good? You are correct though that you have the right to be yourself.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:18 pm
I hear it all, and respond to them...

Who honestly, is listening to me, Or responding, to me?? Based upon what I say, and, not what they feel? Just like I am doing to them...

I wonder if a person has to agree first in order to respond to you in agreement Smile
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:26 pm
RL is correct, I have been your friend all the way through and that won't stop, but I don't think I need to post anymore when I feel that you are down, you seem to get back up again...

As I will always be yours!!! I think that backing someone up, when they are down, Is one of the ways you truly can show how to assert someone, who is not being so...And are there friend as well...Just my 2 Cents

Regardless of what people think of anyone what is important is good and clear communication, read that quote again..

I think we have always been clear (for the most part) with each other...Maybe, I am wrong About this?...

I think everyone misinterprets others, and it is just a human flaw...

I misinterpreted, that why you decided, to not back me up, anymore, was because of Setanta...

And I think you misinterpreted me, about the Bible, and Church thing...

So I guess you are right about that...But I would say, it happens to everyone...Regardless of backing someone up, or being their friend, or not...

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:32 pm
Firstly. We all have our own beliefs right? And, it's based on those beliefs that you come to a conclusion. Naturally, like everyone else, we were read the Bible or parts of it at one stage, or saw a movie over a Christmas period. Like everyone else, I have in-deed entered a Church. I find the buildings beautiful, I loathe the modern day brick Churches. I have only once that I recall attended an Easter Mass, by request of my Brother-In-Law, and I have obviously attended my niece and nephews Christenings, that is not what I am saying. I am saying I refuse to "go to Church" I would not believe a word that was spoken and I feel it's full of greed and adultry for the main part. Off course there has to be some Priests that are genuine and some Churches that are not there to make money, one would hope.

So, I genuinely think this as this is my belief.. The Bible is man made and the Church is man made ....Now. If you believe you speak to God, ask him as he would agree with me. It's been pulled apart, changed, and the Churches are run much like Polititions for power.. Not all, mostly.

You already answered that question that you read the Bible to find things in there that you can say "aha, I knew it" .. As for Church I hope that you don't contribute with dollars and I hope that you don't believe every word, brainwashing can occur too ... Doesn't mean as you know that I don't believe that there is not a God. I do believe there is one.

But the only way, you would be able to alter, or change this thinking, or understand my side...Is to read the Bible, or Go to a Church, or watch it on tv...

That is my point...

If you do not want to do it..Which is fine with me...You will never fully understand, what I am saying about either of them...Especially the Bible...

Far better a man whom does not allow words to bother him, rather ignore it as childish or wrong, or that's their perspective or thoughts not yours. I sure will use the F word if I am quoting someone back but frankly, ranting it over and over how can that do you good? You are correct though that you have the right to be yourself.

You are indeed correct! But again, that is just a human flaw, I have...And am learning to change...

I guess what bothers me, is that, other people do it all the time, and others feel it is acceptable, or say nothing, to try to help another, curve this...

But as soon as a Christian does it, they must be the Devil speaking, or something?

Why would they feel this way, if the Christian does not have merit, like they purport??

To me, this is more irrational, then them thinking, the Christian. is being irrational, like many have said...

2 Cents
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:37 pm

See if you believe in God and that you can communicate with him, he will guide you so you don't really need to read it unless he is telling you or guiding you to do so, so that you can do his work, under the situation you are projecting.

I heard enough I think as a child here and there to know the basics, and basis of it. Can't understand in any event half of the lingo.. And to be honest, reading some of the things on this thread quoted from the Bible? I couldn't imagine any God would have written some of the things stated.. I think it was either mis-interperated by man or mis-interperated by man:)

Too much evilness is in there, how can a God be good and discuss his own evilness... Rather than evil.

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:46 pm
I wonder if a person has to agree first in order to respond to you in agreement

No, they do not have to do that...

As long as a person is consistent...I have no problem with it...

If a person attack a Christian, just because...I have no reason to take them serious, or agree with them, about anything...Because, that is how they like to do things, and act...So I am doing what they like to receive...And do...

That is a part of being perceptive, of things, they are not understanding...

The only reason why it seems irrational, is because, I bet, they have never met a Christian, like me, who conducts themselves, in that matter, based upon how others directly treat me, and they are uncomfortable, or awkward with this feeling...

Nor are they aware, of the fact I am doing it...And when it is examined...

It is looked upon as being a forceful guy...

But in retrospection, all it is, is me seeing who, and how they act, and are...Being perceptive of it...And returning it back, to them...

Because, I do not know another way, of treating someone, different than how they treat me, with the perceptiveness, I have about them...

The ONLY thing I agree, could change, and should change, is there is clearly no need to get as angry, as others do with me...

As it is not becoming...I can not help them out, if they like to get, that angry as well...I personally can not live like that...
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:56 pm
. . . I don't care if I can't FUCKEN spell or be great in grammer . . .

Irony doesn't work for you, huh?

Please reply again with spelling correctly.

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 09:01 pm

See if you believe in God and that you can communicate with him, he will guide you so you don't really need to read it unless he is telling you or guiding you to do so, so that you can do his work, under the situation you are projecting.

Why not listen, or read as many scriptures as you can, to see if any of them, portray the God you know? And if one of them does, read more about what This God has to say, not only what you can communicate thru him, about?

Or read what others had to say, and could communicate with him, about?

To me, it is not all about myself, with the communications...

And hearing others, gives me inspiration, as well as helps, form my ability, to be able to communicate...With him...

I heard enough I think as a child here and there to know the basics, and basis of it. Can't understand in any event half of the lingo.. And to be honest, reading some of the things on this thread quoted from the Bible? I couldn't imagine any God would have written some of the things stated.. I think it was either mis-interperated by man or mis-interperated by man:)

Too much evilness is in there, how can a God be good and discuss his own evilness... Rather than evil.

And you see? I would say, how could someone think that it is mis-interpreted, if they have not even read the majority of it, or can not understand it??

A God is always Good, He is not discussing his evil...What he is doing, must be in some sort of higher understanding, not an evil thing...And a reason as to why it was done...What makes it look evil...Is the Human mind trying to comprehend, something we can not...Or giving it a seal of Evil...When If it is correct, There is a purpose for it, as in everything...And it is us who judge it to be evil or not...

Jesus, shows that the Bible does not, or is not upon an evil Being or God...That is why it would not be a bad read for you...Or I would say, read what Jesus had to say...about things...

So if you take everything the Bible has to say...With the way, it says it...It is not an evil being, to me...And many things I see, are just gonna be tests for people about, God himself...

I am not actually sure if some of these Evil actions actually happened, or were just scribed, to test other people...But what I do know, if that Jesus Christ, is not at all, an evil being....

He is someone who cares about everyone else, more than they love themselves....

And that is saying a lot considering, how some act on here...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 09:12 pm
I know you can withstand baiting, much better than I can....!!! Exclamation

But if you are going to be baited...And your view of me, has nothing to do with Setanta....

Then, as your friend, please leave me out, of the discussions, if you guys debate things.... Idea

Even if he brings my name up... Idea 2 Cents

I am not genuinely interested, in what he thinks about me...

And as your friend, I know if you want to tell me something, Or I want to tell you something, Or, if either of us, wants to ask another, about something, We will do it properly...And act like adults about it! Wink Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:07 pm
Put your laughter pants on. Sheez is that what got up you ? That I made a joke because you made a spelling error and your answer to that, was to point out mine ? giggles. Sheez... Do you really think that I will or should change who I am to appease you always? Like I know you so well that I know when to tread on egg shells and when not to around you and should I? Seriously? . I've treaden on those with my ex- husband be darned if I will do it with or for anyone else.

I'm a Gemini. Deal with it. I have a sense of humor and I know for sure you have one to...
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:13 pm
I think that backing someone up, when they are down, Is one of the ways you truly can show how to assert someone, who is not being so...And are there friend as well...

Do you know that I only just realised there was a second 1c behind the first 1c making it 2c, yes I can add. Bahaha.. Ok.. Blonde moment.

Spades.. I will take that to account.

Regardless of what people think of anyone what is important is good and clear communication,
I wasn't talking about just myself Spades and not us.

I am saying be clear and precise as you sometimes are, when communicating over a subject matter and try to take out feeling upset at what was said. Counter it..

Mis-interpretation is totally different for sure, especially over the Internet, and without Smile's.. One thing said can be taken in several ways as well..
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:18 pm
I wonder if a person has to agree first in order to respond to you in agreement

No, they do not have to do that...

As long as a person is consistent...I have no problem with it...

Smile See mis-interpretation.. In general I am talking. How can a person agree with you if they don't agree with your statement or beliefs? They can't.

The ONLY thing I agree, could change, and should change, is there is clearly no need to get as angry, as others do with me...

(like button) If you get angry back Spades, you are lowering yourself to that persons standards (not putting anyone down here, as something you may have said may have offended them to have written that unless they say what, who knows) but in any event, that's my thoughts. In addition to that. It's a waste of energy and they win... Why give someone that satisfaction?

For me I'm placid. But, rub me totally the wrong way and I can like anyone else retaliate but more alongs the lines of proving them wrong, or just totally ignoring that person .. Who ever is in your life should be worth it on the same side, respect you at least. Or don't let them in.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:31 pm
Spades.. I will take that to account.

Wink Wink Wink

I wasn't talking about just myself Spades and not us.

I am saying be clear and precise as you sometimes are, when communicating over a subject matter and try to take out feeling upset at what was said. Counter it..

I will take that into account! Wink Wink Wink

Mis-interpretation is totally different for sure, especially over the Internet, and without Smile's.. One thing said can be taken in several ways as well..

It is hard to understand people for sure, without facial expressions, eyes, tone of voice... etc...

I am honestly, not like this in person...And even more so, many times that I may seem angry, I am actually not...I just like to Post in Bold, or Caps, to make my points more distinctive, because that is how I explain things, like this, in person...But I do not say it in an angry way...So I think I am expressing myself, the right way, but perhaps, I am not...As in, on the internet, it is not talking that way at all....And people see it as anger...

And people know when I am truly pissed about something...

But because they already believe, I am like that...It already, just makes them think, I am an angry person about a lot of things...And it is not really true...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:31 pm
I was wondering Spades.

Where learning is concerned? And, the boys whereby you think that they have voted you down.. Do you know anything about them? Have you actually read any of their threads/posts ? Would it be a wise thing and a good thing to take the time to read up a bit to understand other people, as to why they may view points made here the way they do? And to know who you are replying to?

Watch out RL and Spendius here I come to read every thread/post you are replying to Smile

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:35 pm
How can a person agree with you if they don't agree with your statement or beliefs? They can't.

So what is the hope, for people who believe in God? I agree they can not be forced to accept it...But if we all portray ourselves the way you do...Many would understand our Statement or beliefs...Problem is, we know the scriptures...and you have the patience!! Wink Wink Wink Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green

(like button) If you get angry back Spades, you are lowering yourself to that persons standards (not putting anyone down here, as something you may have said may have offended them to have written that unless they say what, who knows) but in any event, that's my thoughts. In addition to that. It's a waste of energy and they win... Why give someone that satisfaction?

For me I'm placid. But, rub me totally the wrong way and I can like anyone else retaliate but more alongs the lines of proving them wrong, or just totally ignoring that person .. Who ever is in your life should be worth it on the same side, respect you at least. Or don't let them in.

AGREED! And I will continue to do this, and curve it.... Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:45 pm
I was wondering Spades.

Where learning is concerned? And, the boys whereby you think that they have voted you down.. Do you know anything about them?

Not really...Accept somethings, I think are obvious...

Have you actually read any of their threads/posts ?

Not really...Accept the ones in here...and a few random other ones...

Would it be a wise thing and a good thing to take the time to read up a bit to understand other people, as to why they may view points made here the way they do?

Yes, it would be a wise thing...But I see that, as it would be wise for them, to try to get to know me, and see me, as the Christian I am, and not just another one of them...

And to know who you are replying to?

I know none of them, only a few posts from a couple of them...

I do not know, how I would get to know any of them, after what transpired...

Since they were not interested in getting to know me...And made it clear as to what they "thought" about me...

How would one get passed that??

And Spendius is wrong about, appreciating them, first...

I never said anything bad about any of them, till the vote...

Then still did not, just gave my opinions, but did not bash, or condemn anyone, other than the votes...

And when they all came in here, I still did nothing of the sort, still only looked for an answer, to the vote things...

So, I guess I can get passed it, when that is explained to me...

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