@reasoning logic,
And if You think I switch the switch off and said those posts...
Then it has really nothing to do with me being logical, illogical, and switching a switch on and then off...It has much more to do with the fact that You are agreeing when you hear I say things that met your approval...And what you want to hear...and disagreeing, or calling it Illogical, or switching the logical switch off, when what I say does not meet you approval....
If this is the case...It is not really being open-minded....
Could I be thinking illogically about those posts and be wrong? Yes...
But then it would be the same for me to think this is an illogical question...
"Can you demonstrate a way to show a spaghetti Monster?"
I do not feel that people are split with logic and illogical....Very smart people just say some dumb things sometimes