Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 05:55 am
i am 'enery the eighth i am
'enery the eighth i am, i am
i am married to the girl next door
she's been married seven times before
and everyone was an 'enery

Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 06:02 am
Now you've got that playing in my head.
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 06:07 am
then my job here is done Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 11:43 am
djjd62 wrote:
Re: izzythepush (Post 4941150)
i am 'enery the eighth i am
'enery the eighth i am, i am
i am married to the girl next door
she's been married seven times before
and everyone was an 'enery

I knew you'd say that. Smile Wink

0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 09:57 pm
You really think "crop circles" have any validity as alien communication?


Show evidence , even some real pictures that have NOT been debunked. I dont expect to hear anything from you since youve been trying to tie this story together with evolution and have laid a huge egg on that one.
Evolution is measurable by real morphological fetures, not some hairball idea based on myths from space.

What do you make of this??


If you "think" all of these people are full of bullshit, what makes you believe that ANY other way back story, or books are true?? Say from around 1780's - earlier?
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 10:06 pm
You've got to be kidding! A flying saucer look-alike? Heck, if you dig far enough in old art works, you'll find many "flying saucer" like paintings or sculptures. Doesn't mean a thing except to people like you who wants to believe what they are.

In the first place, you really don't know what they represent. Did you ask the artist what they were drawing? What evidence do you have they represent flying saucers?
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 10:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Why must every thing be dissected?

Did you read any of that, where it says planes and hot air balloons did not exist??

So I ask you, why would artists paint that? Unless they seen it? Or enough people seen it, for them to depict it??

some as far back as 700+ years ago...

I ask you the same question as farmer then...What kind of books do you "trust"? Is it fair to say that people, 700 years from now, should "believe" what you, I and Farmer post is bullshit??
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 10:23 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Doesn't mean a thing except to people like you who wants to believe what they are.

I DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE THEY ARE REAL!....I can "feel" what they are...So deep, it makes my bones quake!...They are Demons...Go look at the depicted drawings and paintings, that were probably based from accounts...(I have actually heard a few stories from some of those exact pics) Do they NOT LOOK demonic?
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 10:31 pm
Not to sound mean or condecending or anything but did your IQ drop or something in the last week or so in my absence? The level of intellect in which you seem to be bringing to this discussion now is...well to be perfectly honest, pathetic as if your just throwing out crap just it put something out there.

Not to sound mean of anything either...And I am not here to argue with you, I am actually in a very good mood! But each time you say that, and take a chip at me, by saying...Not to mean this or not to mean that...You really are demeaning someone, and belittling them, and or being condescending...And I noticed, you have done this 3 times to me (at least) and I haven't seen you do it to another theist...It does not really bother me...But I just want to make sure you are aware of this...For future debates with other theists you may encounter...I do not believe you are trying to be a dick to me...But when you do that, It really kinda is a dick-ish thing to do...And others would get pissed about it...that is all I wanted to say...

Billions of people are currently making up crap about their religion, why can't the same be said about people who claim to be abducted by aliens? I personally treat alien abductions the same as religious experiences, while I cannot completely deny them all, I realize that none of them are proven through facts, and a majority of them are disproven. With that track record in mind, I view alien abductions skeptically and give it no credibility.

Interesting...Why do you believe some of your fellow atheists...Do not hold the same value, and objectivity like you do??

Such as BillRM, Krumple, and others??
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 10:32 pm
No, they are inanimate objects.
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 10:41 pm
@cicerone imposter,
No, they are inanimate objects.

The Ships, or Aliens??

Are you absolutely 100% sure?
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 10:49 pm
No, just a guess like many of your guesses on what they might be.

No evidence, no conclusion.
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 10:59 pm
@cicerone imposter,
No, they are inanimate objects.

No, just a guess like many of your guesses on what they might be.

No evidence, no conclusion.

It does not make any sense either...People like you, and this mentality...You, Chights, Farmerman etc...

Why must something be proven (scientifically, or mathematically) to exist?

Have you ever heard somethings are better off unknown?

There are thousands who suffer traumatically from these "experiences" that are false...Is that bullshit to you as well?

How you guys can justify that something is not real, because you have not seen it, and science and math can't explain it is irrational...

There are thousands who hold the same regard, but now believe, because they have witnessed it...

It would be like me saying, everything I see must be real...and everything I do not see is false...

If science can predict everything real, tell me when I am going to die, because I would like to know...I will tell you my physique, and health...and you can equate it for me...
Reply Wed 28 Mar, 2012 12:45 am
@cicerone imposter,
No, just a guess like many of your guesses on what they might be.

No evidence, no conclusion.

There are thousands who suffer traumatically from these "experiences" that are false...Is that bullshit to you as well?

How you guys can justify that something is not real, because you have not seen it, and science and math can't explain it, is irrational...

Explain my death to me using math and science if you can! After all, Science and Math explain all truths??...And, we agree I will die someday, right?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Mar, 2012 04:42 am
What do you make of this??
Trying to get you back to reality here, all those pix and art works are of objects in the sky,UFO's(?). I dont know what they represent. They could be sightings of something extra terrestrial. HOWEVER, your assertion was of the "Tens of thousands" of sightings of ALIEN BEINGS, and reported abductions. Im not letting you slip off the hook. Myown belief is that those sightings and abductions are probably bullshit because we have NO evidence of anything at all, and what evidence weve had so far has all been faked (Like the alien autopsy).
Your post had to do with our evolving to look like our concept of aliens (all developed from popular literature). Theres where Im holding your feet to the fire. If you are so sure please show some evidence . Oil paintings of something in the sky are not chronicles of what an artist saw necessarily. The artist also (in several cases) painted halos arou nd the saints heads, did that convince yo of the existence of saints?

Reply Wed 28 Mar, 2012 04:45 am
Why must every thing be dissected
You present something that is someone elses interpretation and when you "Buy it" without dissection that makes you an apostle of the belief.
Dissection is how we get to some common understanding of evidence, otherwise you could post any crap and wed have nothing to do but accept it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Mar, 2012 04:53 am
Why must something be proven (scientifically, or mathematically) to exist?

One reason is a lack of education Spade. And they have been getting attention by nothing but brutal scientific facts but only some of them specially chosen for being twee.

They have been told a number of times about the materialist theory of mind but they have it on Ignore. They love certainty and readings and measurements. They don't do psychosomatic effects such as accident proneness. And they have no explanation for lingerie.

I have seen scientific research involving analysis of hair which predicts approximate time of death but I think it has been abandoned because the insurance industry was too interested in it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Mar, 2012 06:18 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
Why must something be proven (scientifically, or mathematically) to exist?

There must be a way, there HAS to be a method. If there is no method then you would HAVE to accept anything and everything regardless of how silly or absurd it is. To be intellectually honest you would HAVE to accept everything. I know you will try to wedge in that you do, but you honestly don't.

You don't believe Zeus is real, yet by your very argument here, you would HAVE to accept the possiblity that Zeus is real and Yaweh is not. You will refuse to accept that because this argument you are trying to use here is actually absurd itself. You are only trying to promote your idealistic concept of your god existing yet not requiring any evidence to base it on.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Have you ever heard somethings are better off unknown?

Yep and I call it a cop out. Sure there might be some information we learn that is not very appealing or isn't very productive. Yet I would much rather know the truth even if I don't like it, than to blindly turn away and just say, "It doesn't matter because something are better off unknown..."

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

There are thousands who suffer traumatically from these "experiences" that are false...Is that bullshit to you as well?

I would say many of these people who are suffering from experiences that are false are people of faith when they realize that theology is nonsense. They realize the vale they were under was causing a huge majority of their misery in life.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

How you guys can justify that something is not real, because you have not seen it, and science and math can't explain it is irrational...

Easy. If there is no supporting evidence for something, then I can say at that moment it is not real or worthy of changing my life style over. I won't lose any sleep over it until it can be proven to effect my life in some way. Just like I don't have trouble falling asleep because monsters are not living in my closet who will come out at night to feed on me.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

There are thousands who hold the same regard, but now believe, because they have witnessed it...

If someone else says they have had an exprience, I say to them, good for them. However; that does NOTHING to help me. I will not accept someone's testimony of their experience because I know how fickle the human experience is. So until these things start happening to me, I willl remain skeptical of them. Till this day, nothing has happened to me and I must ask why not?

Why do all these people have these so called experiences and I don't? It leads me to believe that they are actually in error and what they thought was happening really didn't happen. Also there have been many theists turned atheist who support this idea. They confess that their past experiences they had were them projecting these ideas because they really wanted them to be true.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

It would be like me saying, everything I see must be real...and everything I do not see is false...

You could live that way, and in fact it would be a rational way to live. I call it being a skeptic. There is nothing that says you MUST believe something that someone tells you. Until you experience it first hand you don't have to accept anything anyone says to be factual. However; I must also ask what you mean by seeing? Because there is ways of seeing that don't exactly use our direct senses. Such as infared spectrum. We can use tools that help us see things that we couldn't normally. There is testible ways of knowing things without directly experiencing them.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

If science can predict everything real, tell me when I am going to die, because I would like to know...I will tell you my physique, and health...and you can equate it for me...

Absolutely silly expectation of science. However; I must say that perhaps one day we will have the capiblity of this. But as of right now there are so many factors involved and perhaps some things we don't know yet that would allow us to make such a prediction. It is not outside the realm of science to do so, but it IS right now. So are you saying that scince science can't predict your death then it is in some way less valid? That is absurd.

Also where would accidents come into play? How would we predict that you would die in, let's say, an airplane crash? How would we be able to extract that result from physical things? We would have to collect so much data that in fact the plane would never then crash because we would be aware of the faulty problem that caused the crash in the first place.

So really your question is unreasonable but I am also not surprised you asked it because you are unreasonable.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 28 Mar, 2012 10:26 am
You get an A+ for patience and the ability to respond with intelligence, logic, and common sense.
Reply Wed 28 Mar, 2012 12:51 pm
Trying to get you back to reality here, all those pix and art works are of objects in the sky,UFO's(?). I dont know what they represent. They could be sightings of something extra terrestrial. HOWEVER, your assertion was of the "Tens of thousands" of sightings of ALIEN BEINGS, and reported abductions. Im not letting you slip off the hook. Myown belief is that those sightings and abductions are probably bullshit because we have NO evidence of anything at all, and what evidence weve had so far has all been faked (Like the alien autopsy).
Your post had to do with our evolving to look like our concept of aliens (all developed from popular literature). Theres where Im holding your feet to the fire. If you are so sure please show some evidence . Oil paintings of something in the sky are not chronicles of what an artist saw necessarily. The artist also (in several cases) painted halos arou nd the saints heads, did that convince yo of the existence of saints?

This is exactly what I wanted, and a response of what I thought you would say...Hook, line, and sinker....

Why would you believe that UFO's are real, based on thousands of eye witness accounts who pro-port they are true? But not accept the thousands of cases of abductions that are said to correlate with what a UFO is??

Why is it acceptable for you to think that UFO's are very real because masses have seen then, but if you break it down, say that thousands of people being abducted is science fiction? When the number is still in the thousands>?

If this is how you feel...What is your "best guess" as to what an actual UFO is? Since you do not believe that aliens come from UFO's?

Hint: Saying aliens are not real, because they are not "hunks" or suit up to your sexual orientations, and satisfactions is not a plausible answer...If they evolve like humans supposedly did, and their climates, and surroundings are different, (Which they probably were...Since the math is not in favor of this)...then explain to me what you believe a UFO to be, and what you think an alien would look like, and why? And what thousands of people would benefit from, in pro-porting that aliens have traumatized them, based on experiences, that are false, because not seen by masses of thousands, Nor science and math can not explain them??

You do realize, that if they are a very intelligent life form, Who has mastered intergalactic space travel, they would be smart enough to understand that abductions in single, or 2, or groups of three would be a way to work, rather than revealing themselves to thousands at a time...When whether good or bad...The world would go after them, to destroy them??

If they are slick enough to do their work, and slip back into the sky...There is no way to prove, destroy them...But they are able to do the actions they chose...Such as demonic ****...

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