I looked up Gunga in the Urban Dictionary and this is what I got.
1/ gunga
(derived from smegma)
The combinatory detritus of underwear lint, sweat and toilet paper which can be found lodged in the upper butt crack; butt cheese.
When wiping one's ass, be sure to get all that gunga out as well.
1. scum, composed of algae and various debris, which floats on lakes and collects near the shoreline.
2. sticky or messy substances
1. Every summer when my family and I go fishing on the lake, there's a lot of gunga near the dam.
2. After my family "cleans" the kitchen, I have to go back and clean all the gunga that they smeared around.
adj- used to describe any type of cruddy substance. Can be found in any place: ie- under finger nails, on a park bench, in the used cup holders in a car.
Oh gross what is that....
Looks like gunga
brown poop - like looking stuff from algae in a lake. can be floating around on the surface of the water, or stuck to the bottom, waiting for you to smush your feet into its gunky feeling algae.
EW! Don't touch the bottom! Its full of GUNGA!!!
Spot on eh!