What I remember is that SlicKKK was impeached, the first elected president ever to be impeached in fact, and that the demoKKKrats in the senate then went to the wall to prevent his removal so that the 2/3 vote needed to remove the sick bastard were not there and that those 40 or so dems were all basically violating their oaths of office by that vote.
For that matter, Trent Lott wanted no real part of handing the nation over to Algor with a year left on SlicKKK's second term. Needed is a law mandating that when a president is impeached and remeoved, his VP goes out the door with him and a new election is held to fill the remainder of the existing term, nobody should ever profit from their own evil deeds and that should apply to political parties as well.
In fact if Lott had wanted to, he could have put hearings on prime time TV and had one of Kathleen Willey's little kids ask
Quote:"Why did Mister SlicKKK have to kill Fluffy to try to scare my mommy??
in front of the whole nation and let the stinking rats try to come up with an answer. That's what I'd have done.
I remember that most pubbie house members had no stomach for impeachment before the impeachment managers dragged them into a room and showed them the evidence of SlicKKK's history of rapes and sexual assaults.
For that matter, Edith Efron's analysis of the situation had been published in 94 and the rats knew that SlicKKK had major kinds of psychiatric issues no later than the summer of 94. Efron noted that SlicKKK and Hildabeast were utterly unable to manage the whitehouse, and that the whitehouse was basically in a state of receivership in 94 and being run by two or three Ca. congressmen. Monica Blewinsky in fact appears to have been a ringer brought in to protect the real interns from sexual predation; her resume was entirely that of a high-class call girl and not of anybody qualified to be a whitehouse intern.
The whole thing should never have gotten as far as impeachment; the rats were absolutely obligated to pack SlicKKK's sorry ass off to St. E's and hand the country over to Algor, no later than the end of 94.