Sun 21 Aug, 2011 03:03 pm
Wally's back in town, but while he was gone I got so bored I actually turned on the TV
There, I see this breakthrough in bra engineering called "The Genie Bra"
Being, like all women, on the eternal quest for the holy grail aka, a bra that fits, I leaned back in the recliner and gave about 10% of my attention to it.
ORDER NOW! for $59.95 plus S&H. But WAIT! If you act now, We'll send you THREE Genie bras, in black, white and nude. HOLD YOUR HORSES! If you order now, we'll DOUBLE that order and send you a TOTAL of SIX GENIE BRAS. 2 each in Black, White and Nude.
No, I didn't order.
But earlier today, I remembered the Genie Bra, and went online to read reviews. I saw that Bed Baff and Beyond was selling 2 in abox for $19.99. I had a 20% BBB coupon, so when Wally and I went out to get his free birthday carwash (just present your ID with your birthdate on it), we swung by and I picked up 2 for $16
I took one out of the box, and Wally said "That looks like you couldn't get it on the cat. Didn't you get that in Super Large?"
After I corrected him, saying noooo.....I just got an extra large, I tried putting it on. It got on, but it did nothing but the undesireable thing of making me look flatchested, but at the same time, an inappropriate amount of cleavage.
Wally said "I'll be damned, that looks stupid"
I figured I'd return them, but then decided to take a peek on ebay.
DAMN. People are bidding for these things at about $15 a piece, plus shipping!
I put both of mine (Black and Nude), up separately, and I've already got 3 watchers and a bid on the black one, and a watcher on the nude.
I might go back and buy a bunch, and hoard them for ebay sales over christmas.
Quote:It got on, but it did nothing but the undesirable thing of making me look flatchested, but at the same time, an inappropriate amount of cleavage.
I call that Monoboob, it's what happens with some sports bras that have poorer designed cup areas.
@Green Witch,
I just came back from dinner.
The bidding on the black one is up to $5.50
Awright! A new investment program.
Why not just not wear a bra?
You have just identified yourself as male. A woman would not ask that question.
thack45 wrote:
Why not just not wear a bra?
My bras fit well, it just takes a long time to find the right one. When you do find one that fits well, a woman should invest in several pairs.
I just learned something a couple of months ago, when I bought like 5 pairs of bras I really really like, and want to take good care of them.
I read that you should never wear the same bra 2 days in a row, as it needs more than a day to get it's shape back.
I always wash my bras on the gentle cycle, and air dry them on a towel, making sure I postion them so the cups are correct, and the straps and back are not twisted.
It makes a big difference in its life span.
Take care of your bras, and they'll take care of you. That's what I always say.
roger wrote:
Awright! A new investment program.
Farging A Twitty roger.
I just looked, and the bids for both of them so far total $12, and there's 6 days and 18 hours left for bidding. I'm sure in a few hours the total will be over $16, what I paid for the 2 of them. After that, pure profit.
I've got 7 watchers for the nude bra, and 3 on the black.
I think I'm going to bid on some BB&B coupons, and use them to buy more.
I think I should start watching infomercials, and see what kind of deals I can get on that stuff, and sell whatever is hot on ebay.
@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:
You have just identified yourself as male. A woman would not ask that question.
You have just identified yourself as female. A woman would not answer the question.
I just looked, and the bids total over $20 for my $16 item.
It'll probably just sit there like that the rest of the week, then they'll be more bidding in the last few hours, taking it between $30 and $40.
Pretty cool.
You do realize it's your husband who is submitting the bids...
(he wants to get you a nice holiday gift)
Not about the gift part, about the making bids.
Did you include shipping with the price or separately? Want to make sure you end up making dough on it. Also, I have a BBB coupon I haven't used - how much do you want for it?
Oh, I'm charging $3 shipping on each of them!
I'm just glad that I had set up an ebay account for myself last year. I've got boxes and padded envelopes, tape, a scale, postage. I'm good to go. It was figuring out that upfront stuff that took time, but I've long ago made that back. When the weather was cooler where I wanted to be out, I'd go by Goodwills in rich neighborhoods.
I'd buy things like Cole Hahn or Kate Spade handbags, and sell them for like 4 times as much.
Putting these 2 ads up took less than 10 minutes, and it'll take me 5 minutes to mail it.
$15 to $30 for less than 15 minutes work?
Not bad.
Minus @20% when you figure in Ebay and Paypal fees.
@Green Witch,
Uh uh.
I don't have ebay fees. I'd have to do a lot more selling to get over their free limit.
and my pay pal fees aren't 20%
Wait, wait, I take that back, I do have ebay fees.
However, between ebay and paypal, they are nowhere NEAR 20%.
Probably because I'm such a small fish.
They now take a percentage of everything - including what you charge for shipping. Paypal takes their usual 3-4%. You will find it comes to about 20% if you sell the items. The difference is you are no longer charged if the item does not sell. Even the little fish have to pay. It can be more if you are a bigger fish. If it doesn't come out to about that, I would be interested in knowing your the final percentage after the transaction.
@Green Witch,
I got a spreadsheet someone that calculates it for me.
I'll check the fee sched on ebay in awhile, and get back to you.
In any event, I'm obviously not doing this for food money.
It's like a hobby, I think it can be fun, like playing a game for tokens for odds and ends.