Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 10:45 am


You read it here first: Rick Perry will amble to the Republican nomination and will win the presidential election easily. In June I wrote an article -- "Is Perry the One?" -- suggesting that Rick Perry may be the best nominee for Republicans. His personal life is spotless. His policies reflect his political beliefs and have worked the way conservatives intend.

Talking like a tough Texan is the worst thing anyone can say about him, but that attack will fail. The unpopularity of George W. Bush in his last two years created a false notion among leftist elites that America does not like cowboys. Wrong: we love leaders who look confident and act decisively; we love our frontiersman and cowboys. We like straight talk and straight shooting. Most Americans also sense that we desperately need a tough hombre in the White House in 2013.

We also want heart. Perry's long and happy marriage shows that heart. His hard work on the family cotton farm shows that too. Perry's honorable and significant service in the military shows the courage of a true patriot. His love of America's most noble private organization, the Boy Scouts, shows that heart too. Perry's unabashed faith in God will hurt him only in Manhattan or in San Francisco.

In stark contrast is our current president. Has Obama ever really worked a day in his life? Did he walk out of church when Reverend Wright damned America, as Perry would have done? Can anyone even picture Obama as a Boy Scout? Does anyone believe that Obama, who did not give an Easter measure and who in private parties sneers at Americans clinging to their faith, believes only in anti-Americanism?

Perry, even at what more nuanced conservatives may consider his rough edges, stands in dramatic contrast to Obama. In a nation which, according to Gallup, is more conservative than at any time in twenty years and in which every state has more conservatives than liberals, the Republican Party needs a conservative -- not a "compassionate" conservative -- to run straight at Obama.
Why is Washington D.C. more economically upbeat than any other part of our nation? Our nation's capital is doing so well because politicians have made the federal government our biggest growth industry. The attacks on Perry by flacks like David Axelrod -- Texas' economic growth is because oil -- will backfire on the left: yes, extracting oil, coal, and natural gas can create millions of high-paying jobs, make the dollar stronger, and increase tax revenues without raising tax rates. Yet that is what clueless leftists will accuse him of trying to do.

Perry is not Reagan but he is more like Reagan than any Republican in the last fifty years. He is physically strong. He honed his speaking skills as a young salesman, and those who worry about him talking like Bush should listen: he sounds more like Reagan.

Perry, like Reagan, governed the second-largest state in the Union for multiple terms. He also has had the chance to connect with other Republican governors, arguably the strongest force in the party. Several governors have come close to endorsing Perry already and more will openly support him. His message of genuine federalism is vital to these governors. Strong support from conservative Republican governors will make winning the nomination much easier.

Next year anyone touched with the deficit deal in Washington will be damaged political goods. Republican political leaders who have created prosperity at the state level will look much better. Rick Perry in 2012 will not just be able to run against Barack Obama and congressional Democrats, whose leaders have appalling bad approval ratings, but Perry will be able to run against the federal government itself. He will run as the longest-serving governor in America running a state (as large as a nation) which works.
Polls already show Perry leading the Republican field, ahead of a much better-known Romney who has been campaigning for years. Gallup shows a very high intensity level for Perry as well. As other conservatives drop out, their support will inevitably gravitate to Perry. A united Republican Party in 2012, led by a sitting governor, will sweep to victory. An America given the choice between an unapologetic conservative and a clear liberal will give that conservative a landslide.

In 1979, enclaves of pundits were feverishly analyzing the candidates. It was very clear what would happen: the popular conservative big-state governor would win the nomination fast and then crush the bitter but smiling one-term leftist in the White House. That is exactly will happen next November 2012.

Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 11:08 am

posted by gunga - that's oxymoronic.

Perry, like Reagan, governed the second-largest state in the Union for multiple terms.

Perry, like Reagan, is more than a few bricks short of a load. But, as has been noted numerous times, you guys sure do go for the dummies.

But I have to agree with you on one thing, Snake, there are certainly way more than enough dumb Americans to elect Perry. You showed that in spades with Reagan and Bush.

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Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 11:11 am
Oh darn! I was hoping the other idiot Michelle would get the nomination.
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Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 11:20 am
The last thing President Obama wants is to have to run against George W. again.
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 11:28 am
HAHA very true! Yet another great opinion piece about how likely it is that Rick Perry could actually become our president. Very scary. Also, quite funny how the author says Bush is smart by comparison. Smile
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Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 11:32 am
We both know that Herman Cain is the best candidate. Do you now understand that the GOP is too racist to nominate the best guy?
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 11:43 am
I'm impressed by your knowledge of history, h2oguy. Not so much by your appreciation of things nuanced.
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Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 11:47 am
“Gay marriage is not fine with me,” Perry said earlier this week, clarifying his previous position that such laws should be left to the states.

Yeah, everyone knows that it's up to the states to decide if minorities can use the same water fountains as whites.

State's prejudices, state's prejudices ... ooops sorry, I meant state's rights state's rights yea yea yea!
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Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 11:55 am
When did Obama ever run against GWB?

That one went right over your head. But I expected nothing less from you Very Happy
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 12:02 pm
I expected more from you and Max and I fully understand that Obama has & continues to blame
everything on GWB, but he has never run against him in any election. Obama will lose in 2012.

Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 12:04 pm
Ya still don't get it, h2oguy. Thick as a brick!
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 12:12 pm
I get that Obama and his followers hate GWB... you have made that clear.

I also understand Jimmy Carter's second term will end with the 2012 election.
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Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 12:22 pm
There was a brilliant article by Hadley Freeman in last Wednesday's Guardian about the mad thinking in the Tea Party.

Despite having been written by one of those dreaded European socialists, 1984 appears to be the guidebook for today's Republican contenders. Even aside from the crazed fascination with sex some of them have (the Iowa debate also provided a platform for Santorum to explicate, again, his theory that gay marriage is the same as polygamy, having presumably decided that his worn-down-to-the-nub rib-tickler that homosexuality is analogous to bestiality needed a bit of sprucing up) which would impress 1984's Junior Anti-Sex League, the frank use of doublethink has been if not quite impressive then certainly unembarrassed.

Doublethink is, according to Orwell, "the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them … To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient …"

This is different from simply lying, which – as we live in what Tom Cruise once snarled is "a cynical, cynical world" – is expected from most politicians. Doublethink is looking at the truth and seeing just a reflection of one's desired self. It is the only explanation for Michele Bachmann's insistence that the credit downgrade was due to the raising of the debt ceiling, even though it was largely, S&P said in its statement, because of her and her fellow Tea Partyists' "contentious and fitful" wrangling. She claimed on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday that one should never "mess with the full faith and credit of the United States", and yet that is precisely what she did.

This fully explains soggy's thinking, how can Obama be racist to both blacks and whites? At the same time he accuses those who voted for Obama of being racist. If he was just having a laugh that would be one thing, but he's so monumentally stupid, he actually believes it.
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 01:01 pm
I know it's asking a lot, Izzy, but could you put that article into simpler language so that h2oguy could understand ... nah forget it. It'd never work.
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Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 01:40 pm
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Reply Tue 4 Oct, 2011 02:25 pm
Texas may vote for a governor who allowed an innocent man to be executed, but I doubt that America will.
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