awesome dude - I can understand that you want to know.
I think you have good advice here, though. A lot of good people struggle with their sexuality in their teen years. He may not know his sexual orientation himself.
But, there's no way to bring it up that won't make him feel like he's a sexual suspect - even if he's straight. Feelings and self-consciousness are magnified during teen years. Don't put this on him now, please.
Do me a favor. Be a great brother - love him no matter what, and kick anyone's ass that fucks with him. Two brothers on the bottom of a pile of homophobes is much better than one brother feeling alone. Sending you vibes of courage and family solidarity. The brother bond is rare and priceless - and no matter how it shakes out, you'll have an unshakable best friend for life. Please don't let him down - either way.
Gay or not - it'll work itself out a lot better for him if he has the support of his bro.
Good luck darling. Sometimes the Man Test comes early.