Hello Vikorr
well, the full context was this
Quote:If she wishes to be "just friends" and you can handle that when you obviously want more, then mebbe that can work - as long as you're not holding back those feelings for her and you move on to looking towards other relationships, because, really, those feelings for her WOULD get in the way of friendship or other relationships you could be in, and will ensure that you won't be able to move on - living in hope that it may work out one day.
and definitely not true in all cases.
I was trying to make it clear (in a jumbled-up way) that if he
continues to wish to be with her in a romantic sense - and she does not want it, his living in hope for that to happen could prevent him from moving on and being in other relationships , especially if he continues to see her socially. It's not meant to mean that they aren't able to be "just friends" as this happens all the time, simply
provided this does not prevent
him from moving on to meeting other people and he is not pining over her, or lurking!
It can also be very uncomfortable having someone
obviously "smitten" "in love" with you when you don't reciprocate their feelings. Most uncomfortable when you are in the same space. There is a big difference of someone being hopelessly in love and just a little mushy.
However, yes Vikorr - I do agree people can 'be friends' and I believe that happens naturally over time and quite honestly, not everyone gets to be with the person they "fall in love with"! So I would imagine many people know how that feels. We've possibly all gone through similiar experiences in our lifetimes, in many different situations.
At the moment tho - I'm thinking of his current circumstances he finds himself in.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that where he seems to be right now, he's confused - and he saying that even now, separation is hard etc... and that's before they are even together!
Quote:But life and work get in the way sometimes. Separation is hard, even this early on. But if you meet someone whose presence just brightens your life, don't let that person go. That's what I wish to think.
As yet, we don't really know answers to the other questions. Are they dating or not? It's a question he could ask her so things are then clearer.
I absolutely do agree with him in that if you meet someone in your life and they make such a world of difference - yes, you don't have to let go - but you also must not tether them either if they wish to move on - and if by holding on damages ones well-being, then.let.go.
If he's feeling it's difficult to be separated already and they're not together (in a relationship) well, how difficult would it be if she then turned up to a "meet/party" and she was with someone else... or continued to go to "meets" if they weren't together. He admits he is smitten with her, is imagining how it could all come together and says they have been on "dates" - she could be very shy or has reasons for not getting close to a man - but she could have already made it clear in her mind and to him that she just wishes to be friends.
I do think it's wonderful when people start falling in love and all that caboodle - but IMO it's certainly better from a level playing field and for him to know now, rather than in 6 months time. I think if he could possibly take her off the pedestal and look into her eyes, rather than up to her as he appears to be doing, it may be easier.
As I say, I would advocate him being just a tad more forward in his approach so that he becomes less confused, but not so much as to blow the friendship they have. Perhaps she simply doesn't want a relationship but would love to be his friend...
He can't become something he's not and change his whole approach - he is who he is - the same goes for her. If they don't communicate for weeks at a time - well... who knows?
Quote:I leave her a lot of space, I don't "chase" her or try and contact her between our meetings even during the many weeks this summer.
I do feel tho that if he "is in love" (which we don't know) but she doesn't have romantic feelings (which we also don't know) - then it can become very awkward. He has this whole picture in his mind which in reality, may not be a possibility.
The whole professional/career thing is on my mind and possibly a cultural difference - but again, we don't know.
I wish you good fortune though Mr Pinelurk.