@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
Like the question asks! What does the love of money mean to you?
When do you think that the love of money began?
Do you think that you have the love of money and if so do you teach it to others?
It may seem odd but I think that it is taught by everyone I know!
OK, I watched the long grusome video last night. Probably the worst example of what man has done to man. The French Revolution just grew..and grew. The National Razer, huh?
I read the book Paris in the Terror at age 26. My two little tots were taking a nap when I heard something happening outside, got up, looked out this window over our garage, down the street I saw a policeman clubbing something in the grass. So glad I didn't rush out to check out the scene, as later the neighbors said he was killing a pitt bull.
Geeez, it was my friend's family pet I found out. Her two little kids were just torn up over the loss of their pet in this hidious manner. I think the dog was chasing another neighbor's Beagle hound that howls like crazy when he chases a rabbit, or whatever. I don't know who called the police. This in the New England countryside where our kids and dogs all ran around together.
But, having told that, I agree when you say don't allow anybody to tell you what to do, read, think, or believe. All that does is set in motion a very strong rebellion - hopefully.