@reasoning logic,
What would be the point of trying to love anything that can't love you back... I do trust that much of what people say they love really has love at the end of it, that if, for example, they have money, that they will be loved... What money is, is a certain form, ultimately, a moral form, and one given meaning by those who subscribe to it... If you can contrast money with something it must be honor... Where there is no money, honor is essential, and where money is dear, honor is cheap... Where honor is dear, money is non-existent....If you have no money, it is likely you have little of anything, and it is all the more essential for the purpose of social living that everyone in the community have honor... Money is really a substitute, or replacement for honor... We presume when we see some wealthy person that they came by their wealth honorably, and presume as much of the poor, that they have no honor, and are rewarded for their dishonor by poverty... We presume as much of the maimed and injured because we think a just and kind God would not reward injustice and punish virtue, but I have yet to see where justice or even kindness has ever been shown a quality of God in the Bible or anywhere... It is some belief out of our childlike simplicity of mind, and it does not bear rational examination... Yet, it motivates people to the greatest of sins that more fully destroy society and social amity better than anything... Some people accept a tangible justification by God, so that if blessed by God, or found worthy, that God rewards in a tangible fashion... I trust that many Jews believe so, but that they suffer a great deal to show themselves as blessed even if it comes at the price of much social resentment... In its proper light, money should be seen like honor as a curse, and a worse curse than honor...To have wealth above the mean one must take it out of the wealth of others... To have honor one must defened it, like money, but all could be equally honorable, though the reality is that some were considerqbly more honored and honorable...When wealth is honor it is possible for some people to destroy the entire meaning of honor and wealth, of wealth as honor...It is because honor as a moral form cannot be lived without.. If all the money departs into the hands of the rich, the poor still need to be perceived and to percieve themselves as honorable, and in the process of demanding the honor they need to survive, the rich might find themselves deprived of honor and their money devalued to meaningless...