Democrats fall short in Wisconsin recall elections

Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 05:01 am

Democrats failed late Tuesday in their effort to gain control of the Wisconsin state senate as Republican incumbents won four of six recall elections.
The outcome was a big setback for Democrats, organized labor, and progressive groups who'd sought retribution against six GOP allies of Gov. Scott Walker, who earlier this year enacted a labor law overhaul that ended collective bargaining rights for many public sector workers.....

Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 05:28 am
Two outa six sounds like victory when if they had set on their asses nothing good would have occured... If you can bump a few out of the saddle, it is enough to get the rest thinking, and clearly they were not thinking....
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 05:51 am
The end result is 2 more Democrats and 2 fewer Republicans. This certainly shifts the balance of power in the State Senate.

Maybe this is a disappointment, but walking into the oppositions districts to take away seats is hardly a failure.
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 06:20 am
maxdancona wrote:

The end result is 2 more Democrats and 2 fewer Republicans. This certainly shifts the balance of power in the State Senate.

Maybe this is a disappointment, but walking into the oppositions districts to take away seats is hardly a failure.

Remember this is Gunga you're talking to. He has a problem with the truth.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 06:44 am

That's awesome!

I have a feeling many democrats will be falling short in future elections.
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 06:46 am
H2O MAN wrote:

That's awesome!

I have a feeling many democrats will be falling short in future elections.

Thanks for the Colbert spoilers.
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 06:48 am

Iz that you?

I thought I smelled something...
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 06:54 am
That's the smell of success, I know you'd find it unfamiliar.
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 06:56 am

That's what chicken farmers are known to say, yours are coming home to roost.
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 06:59 am
That's what happens when the tories get in.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 08:12 am
That's awesome!

It is not that often that I have found myself agreeing with H20Man.
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 09:50 am

Awesome: Democrats and unions spent tens of millions of dollars and come up short.

Priceless: That's tens of millions of dollars that won't be spent helping Obama get re-elected.

That's a win-win for America!
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 05:07 pm
DU is all tears and sobbing over this one today, an all out total effort which totally failed and the other shoe has yet to fall, whichwill be the recall elections for two dems shortly.

The other happy news in the picture are the stories about how the money being saved by school districts due to Scot Walker's policies is being used for the benefit of education, arts and language classes which they never had money for in the past, new teachers, cutting classroom sizes and God knows what all. The kids are positively better off and only union goons and demoKKKrat fatcats are any worse off.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 05:15 pm
The Democrats picked up two seats in the State Senate, but are still short of a majority there - the goal they set out for themselves. That means the Wisconsin laws that started this dispute stand - the Unions have failed to overturn them both in the courts and in the recall elections. As a result, State Employee Unions will no longer have any collective bargaining rights for pay and benefits (the same restrictions that also apply to Federal government employees' unions), and, about a year from now, the state will stop collecting dues for the unions, requiring them to do so directly with their members. Finally the Unions will be required to periodically renew their status by a majority vote of their members. That should be interesting.

This was to be their example of what happens to a State government that dares to limit the grip of public employee unions on public finances and legislators in their pay: one that would frighten or deter others, also in dire dinancial straits, from any like efforts. Not much of a "victory" for them. More like restrictions will follow from other states.
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 07:18 pm
You're saying that gangsterism lost? That's sort of the impression I had as well.
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2011 06:18 am
Both Wisconsin Democrats survive recall

Two Democratic Wisconsin state senators targeted by Republicans survived their elections Tuesday, ending a tumultuous summer of recalls spurred by anger over how lawmakers reacted to Gov. Scott Walker's proposal curbing collective bargaining rights of public workers.

Democrats picked up two seats through the nine recalls but were unable to wrest majority Senate control away from the GOP, which now holds a narrow 17-16 majority. Before the recalls, Republicans had a 19-14 edge in the chamber.


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Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2011 06:30 am
gungasnake wrote:

You're saying that gangsterism lost? That's sort of the impression I had as well.
There is a story about Lincoln volunteering will on the Circuit to get a family of skunks off from under a hen house, and for which purpose he grabbed a gun... After a shot, he came back to the house... The folks ask: Did you kill them, Abe... He said: I killed one, but he put up such a stink about it I decided to let the rest go...
All people have to do some times is put up enough of stink about the injustice done to them to make government avoid it in the future... All those representative of the people who were sent there to do the people's business and instead pushed forward their own political aims will have a hard time getting re-elected....All the democrats need is good candidates and a plan, which is an ideological template for change... More of the same is not going to get it... The people want and need change so much they will vote in tea party nuts or anyone who promises change... Unfortunately, Justice for all is not an ideology or a plan for getting there... It is pure pap if people do not have a plan. and the people want vision, meaning a plan, and an ideology they can subscribe to... They have neither in the democrats...
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