gungasnake wrote:
You're saying that gangsterism lost? That's sort of the impression I had as well.
There is a story about Lincoln volunteering will on the Circuit to get a family of skunks off from under a hen house, and for which purpose he grabbed a gun... After a shot, he came back to the house... The folks ask: Did you kill them, Abe... He said: I killed one, but he put up such a stink about it I decided to let the rest go...
All people have to do some times is put up enough of stink about the injustice done to them to make government avoid it in the future... All those representative of the people who were sent there to do the people's business and instead pushed forward their own political aims will have a hard time getting re-elected....All the democrats need is good candidates and a plan, which is an ideological template for change... More of the same is not going to get it... The people want and need change so much they will vote in tea party nuts or anyone who promises change... Unfortunately, Justice for all is not an ideology or a plan for getting there... It is pure pap if people do not have a plan. and the people want vision, meaning a plan, and an ideology they can subscribe to... They have neither in the democrats...