lets see if I have this straight... by refusing to label a religion with such simplistic terms as "good" or "bad"; by calling for a discussion of textual sources instead of personal opinions; by considering a website that states one of its purposes if the "elimination" of a religious faith to be bigoted; by my distaste for the denigration of a group of people for religious (or other) reasons; and for my refusal to engage in anachronistic debate over what were common practices in the pre-modern era,
I'm the fascist? How old are you guys, anyway?

Which one of us made the comment that the subjects of discrimination have brought it on themselves for their failure to assimilate? Which one of us posted a website calling for the elimination of a religious group? Which one of us is referring to a person who lived over one thousand years ago a pervert for not living up to 21st century standards? I think you guys need to do some serious considering fo your own positions before you dare to criticize anyone else's position.
At least Qkid has an excuse...he's a loony!