Why should rich people pay a greater share of their wealth to taxes?

Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 07:09 am
The FairTax Plan would solve the problem.
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 07:14 am
Sure a GOP plan would solve the problem given how the GOP had always been the party for the rich and now even wish to take away SS in order to give even more tax breaks to the rich,

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Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 07:17 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

mysteryman wrote:

Tax everyone at the same rate and eliminate all of the deductions currently out there.

That would solve the problem.

Uh, no it wouldn't. Flat taxes are tremendously regressive.

Look at sales taxes laid on rich and poor at the same rate, but affecting the poor in the extreme... The poor need so much more of their income to survive, and judging from their use of credit, even more than their incomes is needed... The poor pay taxes to support a government that does not support them or their rights... Because of this they must suppliment their income with credit and the interest they pay is exactly like a tax laid on them and keeping them in a state of perpetual servitude... The poor should not pay taxes at all... Even when the income tax was made constitutional it was expected to only affect 11 to 13 percent of the population... The people of that day had the class consciousness to want the rich to pay their share... Once established the income tax was pushed lower and lower and used by the rich and the government alike to demean the poor, and to lower their general condition to slavery, and to drive them to greater and greater efforts of labor... Look at us now... We do not dare strike... We do not dare look our bosses in the eye or rais our heads or hands in anger... We are humiliated, and taxes have only led our the acceleration of our passage into slavery...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 07:28 am
@Josef cv,
Josef cv wrote:

Giving tax breaks to people who don't pay taxes is ridiculous. It is redistribution of the wealth, which is anathema to the American capitalist system. All charity should be of a voluntary nature or it isn't charity at all, it is robbery at the point of a government gun, taking one man's property to benefit another man - a very immoral action.
You are an idiot... We are a commonwealth formed after the model of the Roman commonwealth at the point of its decline into tyranny...There is no one here who needs charity... We all need our part of the commonwealth, and if for an ideology, capitalism, the commonwealth has been put into private hands then it is as a trust that good should come out of it... There is no such thing as ownership free and clear... We also see from the closing of the commons in Europe, and the seizure or church properties and feudal estates, and from our own freeing of the slaves that property is simply a relation, or rather, a form of relationship for which the people make the rules and laws... Those who think to hide behind laws of their own making to protect their wealth from obligation while they privatize all the commonwealth they want while the people suffer are writing their own death warrants... They are destroying our country, our democracy, and our nation... What ideology justifies that???
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 07:30 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Just for the record: do you yourself receive Medicaid, Social Security, or any form of disability payments from the government?

It's been my long experience that louder an asshole is about people 'thieving' from the government, the more likely they are to be receiving some sort of benefits themselves.

We recieve our rights from the commonwealth because they are ours, and the commonwealth is ours whether it is held in private hands or not... Wealth in any form must pay its way, and the more people thrown out on the street, the more wealth must pay...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 07:33 am
H2O MAN wrote:

The FairTax Plan would solve the problem.
The only fair tax is the tax of wealth or the wealthy... You can never tax a poor man out of poverty... You can never charity a man out of poverty either...But give each person his due, and demand from each his due, and show to each that all are in this game together on the same side and we will have a wealthy nation again, with few wealthy people, few poor people, and opportunity for all...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 11:22 am
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:
Honestly, I am not making an economic point about it.

But I am, and I'm finding it hard to see how I couldn't. Economics and ethics are almost inseperably intertwined in the Utilitarian framework.

Robert Gentel wrote:
My position is that humans have evolved a need for the concept of personal property, and a need for personal space (of some size) and that violating it is itself objectionable, regardless of the value of the object, the effort involved in doing so etc.

There's a reason we have evolved this need. It's an adaptation---even a utilitarian adaptation, from our genes' perspective---to the economics of our stone-age environment. There is also a reason why our emotional support for property rights is nowhere near absolute. There are situations where personal property is inefficient. Consequently, any tribe whose members developed an unrestrained passion for private property would have been out-evolved by people whose emotions led them to more efficient behavior.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 01:10 pm
@Josef cv,
Josef cv wrote:
It is redistribution of the wealth, which is anathema to the American capitalist system.

Isn't wealth redistribution the very essence of capitalism?

Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 01:59 pm
Isn't wealth redistribution the very essence of capitalism?

Only if the wealth move up hill never down hill it would seems.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 02:01 pm
The U.S. entitlement programs, namely Social Security and Medicare, aren't just financially bankrupt, they're "morally bankrupt." They're also funded by money stolen from hard-working, responsible Americans.
That's the conclusion of Yaron Brook, the president of the Ayn Rand Institute.
The author of Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, and other books, Ayn Rand is famous for espousing free markets and self-reliance. Yaron Brook, a former finance professor, shares these beliefs.
Brook believes that our society should eliminate social programs so we encourage citizens to stand up and take responsibility for themselves. He also argues that Social Security and Medicare are "theft" because the money to pay for them is stolen from those who don't believe in or need the programs.
The entitlement programs were created by elected representatives, of course--representatives who could presumably eliminate them if citizens decided they no longer wanted them. So I asked Brook whether the money to pay for the military, police, and other government programs is also stolen.
Brook said no. There is a role for government in our society, he says--protecting the people from crooks and outside attacks--so the money is being put to proper use.
But if the money for Social Security is being stolen from citizens who don't believe in it, why isn't the money to pay for the military also being stolen from pacifists who don't believe in war?
Because, says Brook, the collection and spending of the latter money is in everyone's interests and is therefore justified.


I do not agree with this view, but retransmit it to illuminate how hostile to the great society programs some people remain even several generations after they were imposed. Those who know their history know that there was a sizable slice of America who were intensely hostile to SS on ideological grounds back when FDR proposed it, but they were beat when the majority got behind it. The Right has been itching for years to reopen the debate over entitlements, and it appears that they are about to get it.
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 02:40 pm
One of the largest holders of the national debt happen to be the SS system and for almost all of it history it had taken in far more funds then it had given out.
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 06:16 am
DrewDad wrote:

Josef cv wrote:
It is redistribution of the wealth, which is anathema to the American capitalist system.

Isn't wealth redistribution the very essence of capitalism?

Ha!!! Good One... But once people have some good they want to hang on to it, and this is true of all forms... And good, like security is an infinite, and an illusion... What did it matter who was once the richest man in Rome when it fell to the Barbarians??? The object is to not become historical, but a to become a country that makes sense of its history to avoid the pitfalls of the past, and not stumble into the pitfalls of the future... There is nothing new or original in what we are doing... We follow in the wake of great empires where they slipped beneath the waves of time and we are about to slip into the same edey... It is neither hard or impossible to understand what is going on, and the explanation of it is simple... But in a complex world of relationships people are more inclined to reject simple answers in pursuit of more tangled webs... We are blinded by our paradigm just as were Greece and Rome... Understanding is the key to the future and so few have it...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 06:28 am
BillRM wrote:

One of the largest holders of the national debt happen to be the SS system and for almost all of it history it had taken in far more funds then it had given out.
So this means we have an empty purse in an empty pocket... It is all illusion... Disenthrall yourself from this form before it falls on you... The structure of government is so many termites holding hands... If not for the rat holes it would get no ventilation... It is not the bank of our dreams but the madhouse of our terrors... Other than fear to be without this nightmare and cast off into uncertainty without a paddle, what is keeping you from turning your back on this unholy marriage of economy and government; broken, corrupt and corroding??? When a thing does not work and cannot be fixed it needs to go to trash heaven on the wings of angels... We can do better... Form new relationships, and mostly, learn to relate without form or formula, informally, because the old forms that bind us together also bind our limbs and throats... They do not want to hear what you have to say, and certainly, not what you think... They do not want to know what we know, what it is like to be on the recieving end of bad goverment... They want everyone to shut their mouths and take it... They want more sacrifice when I have heard that anthem for fifty years... Don't they ever expect us to hate it and grow sick of it... Sacrifice is a lie... Only those poor and without hope sacrifice... It is party on for the rich...
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 08:14 am
No it mean that the SS system have as must claimed on being repaid in full as China or any other creditor and the government can damn well tax the wealthy to meet that obligation as that is where the bulk of the society wealth happen to have been move to in the last few generations.

Hell half the population only have 2.5 percent of the total wealth so there is plenty of money on the top end to support everyone drawing a SS check.

For generations the SS system cash flow had been used to pay the government bills so the top taxes rates could remain low and it damn past time for them to pay for this free many generations ride of their even if it mean that they will need to buy smaller yachts or jets.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 08:24 am
The only problem with our government is it had been taken over by the wealthy almost completely and that can and must be corrected in the near future even if it mean building copies of French guillotines and placing them in front of Congress.

The government is now working great if only to the benefit of a small fraction of one percent of the nation and all that now need to be done is to redirect those efforts to benefit all of us.
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 08:47 am
BillRM wrote:

The only problem with our government is it had been taken over by the wealthy almost completely and that can and must be corrected in the near future even if it mean building copies of French guillotines and placing them in front of Congress.

The government is now working great if only to the benefit of a small fraction of one percent of the nation and all that now need to be done is to redirect those efforts to benefit all of us.

A slight edge may be turned to a real advantage generation after generation... Forms like government even when they resist change as ours does can be changed over time... The hold of East Coast Law Schools on the Supreme Court has never been broken, and their interpretation of Law and the constitution has never been challenged though they are the least representative of the average man... The goals set forth by the constitution have never been considered seriously... It was presumbed that private benefit for the rich would result in general benefit, and that has not occured...

Because consensus was not sought or demanded in the constitution, every ploy has been used to fool enough of the people enough of the time to give the rich the major place in our affairs... There are no natural protections offered by the constitution... The reason the people find it necessary to join parties, labor unions, and associations is that the people are not represented natually, but geograpically, and also anti democratically as the Senate shows... The Senate could go, and the whole Supreme Court, and no one would miss them except those who use them for their own gain... The house could be radically modified... If it is good, then it should be economized... Just as in the original constitution, and as it stands, many should represent few, rather than few representing many... The more representatives, the harder it is to divide districts to be unrepresentative of the general majority... And the people should be the Court or Last Resort... Let us vote on the affairs, and only on the affairs that affect us...
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 09:21 am
There are always power struggles in any society and as long as they are kept within limits that fact is not a problem.

However, right now we had reach such an insane point that a major party is backing doing away with SS and at the same time granting even lower top taxes rates.

It is my opinion and my hope even people who had join the tea party will wake up in the near future and ask what the hell is going on.
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2011 01:27 am
BillRM wrote:
There are always power struggles in any society and as long as they are kept within limits that fact is not a problem.

However, right now we had reach such an insane point that a major party is backing doing away with SS and at the same time granting even lower top taxes rates.

It is my opinion and my hope even people who had join the tea party will wake up in the near future and ask what the hell is going on.
I take it that u r referring to Perry 's statement????
He is an extremely earnest & sincere politician to say that.
I have not seen the like of it since Barry Goldwater in 1964.
( Maybe he thawt that he coud AFFORD to be honest
in that Oswald had assassinated any chance he had of getting elected.)

Perry spoke of SS from the perspective of a YOUNG person
who is able to read and therefore knows that the government
has already said that SS will run out of money b4 he retires.
From the perspective of a young person, it is a Ponzi scheme
into which he is required to contribute.

Perry chooses to discuss the issue.
Perhaps a smarter and less honest politician 'd just whistle past the graveyard n look the other way.
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2011 04:38 am
Perry spoke of SS from the perspective of a YOUNG person
who is able to read and therefore knows that the government
has already said that SS will run out of money b4 he retires.
From the perspective of a young person, it is a Ponzi scheme
into which he is required to contribute.

A ponzi scheme that had taken in trillions of dollars more then it had given out in seventy years or so?

A pronzi scheme that is now owe by the government trillions of dollars?

A pronzi scheme that had just gotten into a negative cash flow position for the first time due to the bad economic and people like me that were force into early retirement so instead of adding to the cash flow into the system we are drawing from it?

That is a very strange pronzi scheme indeed by anyone standard.

Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2011 04:42 am

Perry spoke of SS from the perspective of a YOUNG person
who is able to read and therefore knows that the government
has already said that SS will run out of money b4 he retires.
From the perspective of a young person, it is a Ponzi scheme
into which he is required to contribute.
BillRM wrote:

A ponzi scheme that had taken in trillions of dollars more then it had given out in seventy years or so?

A pronzi scheme that is now owe by the government trillions of dollars?

That is a very strange pronzi scheme indeed by anyone standard.
I don 't understand what u said, Bill.
I give u credit for being very intelligent (tho we ofen disagree),
but I have a lot of trouble understanding what u write
(as if u were an alien, which we know u r not, because u were born in Pa.).

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