maxdancona wrote:I really believed that Obama would be a strong....
I had to clip the statement there because that's what many thought. They truly believed that Mr.Obama would be strong, I never saw that in him and therefore haven't been disappointed by his lack of leadership. Conservative or liberal or somewhere in between, would be of far less importance if he could lead. A leader will find ways to unite and work with people, they wouldn't instruct us on eating peas or walk out of meetings.
President Obama gives incoherent speeches, tells how (paraophrasing) 'we will all suffer and how it's not right, it's just not right gosh darned it and that's why we need to all eat out peas because theirs this horrendous famine in Africa!'. Um, yeah, okay...maybe instead of asking if a President has smoked pot we should start asking if they are taking heavy drugs because that's the only thing which would explain his bizarre talks.
On the Republican side, McConnell and Boehner aren't any better.
If they make yet another last minute midnight deal I hope the voters will take notice and vote the top scuzzballs out as well as any of their underlings that have been prancing around in photo ops praising their own side because neither side deserves praise in any of what we've seen and heard since January 2008. For close to 3 years now everything has been fear based tactical maneuvers, from the health debates, to debt, to military to unemployment...just about every issue.