izzythepush wrote:No, it sounds like good advice to me.
Well, I have trouble hearing in movie theaters (e.g., the audience laffs at a line, but I don 't know Y and I feel bad),
but I have
no trouble hearing from my HDTVs at home, or on the fone.
Qua eyesight: I am a fairly decent shot, with the naked eye at gunnery ranges.
I get good shot placement, in tight groups in the bulls' eye, with handguns (both revolvers & pistols) at 7 yards.
The Police have complimented me on my accuracy and on the beauty of my ordnance. ( Please forgive me for boasting. )
Some time ago, while I was blasting away in a gunnery range, a Boy Scout Troop of about 2O boys of around 12 years old
entered in uniform, with their Scout Master. I had 5 revolvers and 2 pistols that I showed them, as I was leaving.
I delivered a short lecture on the reasons that revolvers shoud be exalted above pistols, for personal defense.
( I forgot to mention fonetic spelling.)
I gave their Scout Master (dad of one of the boys) $3OO.OO for ammunition, ice cream n movies, etc.
He took my card and in the mail, I received a nice, huge Thank U card signed by them all. That was fun.
izzythepush wrote:I'd get your prostate checked out as well.
I 've done that: I 'm on Flomax. It works very well.
Its nice of u to take an interest.