I went fishing with a few buddies of mine, absolutely nothing miraculous happened until one of my friends snagged his line. He began to yank on his rod in an attempt to free the line. Without out any warning (although it did not feel foreign or unnatural at all, quite the contrary) everything started to slow down, and my vision literally "zoomed in" to the point where his line was coming out of the water. I thought about the events of the day that brought me to this point. I agreed to fishing that morning (abnormal for me), we took the van instead of the car, it began to rain so my buddy backed upped his astrovan to the pond and opened the back to give us shelter, the fish bit the line of my buddy that would yank till it was free or snapped (others would cut the line to avoid whiplash), we changed our bobber rigs so the line would sit 3 feet in the water instead of 1 after realizing there was catfish in that pond. All of these came together with the position he was standing in, the angle he was pulling at, and the force he applied so that I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that in the very next moment (time was almost still at this point) his line was going to snap and his bobber was going to hit directly between the eyes. The second I came to this conclusion it was an explosion of the most intense feeling of joy, oneness, understanding, and so much that I can't even begin to describe, and I could see my whole life up to that point, and all the limitless possibilities for the future. I FELT my place in the world, and a connection to something so much more than myself. My experience was cut short, because the line did snap in the very next moment and I was in fact hit directly between the eyes. Even this was a source of intense joy, because it was confirmation that what had just happened was real. There was a kind of aftermath that lasted days, I found myself unable to stop thinking, because I thought with such clarity. Every question had an answer (or at the very least I knew exactly how to obtain the information requested), every destination a route, every possibility a chain of events to bring it into reality. Even after this faded I have a lot more understanding and direction in my life, and I found that I no longer fear death, I actually don't experience fear the same way at all, fear has more become worry, grounded in reality rather than being irrational. I didn't know what to think of this event until I read the preface to the book "Integrated Theory of Intelligence", in which the author states his theory came to him in a peak experience, and describes what peak experiences are like in great detail, much better than I ever could. The book can be found online in it's entirety, and whether or not you go on to read the theory or not, I highly recommend the preface if your interested in reading what it's like. Thank you for posting this, I've lookin for somewhere to share this, and please, tell me what you think of my story