BTW, a $300K house?
We're not exactly talking Beverly Hills. I mean, I'm not saying those houses don't look nice, but it looks like a neighborhood built the the same contractor, to make a neighborhood that looks a certain generic way.
You get out in the countryside, prices drop, but that's not really a huge price is you live in an urban area.
If on this news story Lowry had said anything about him causing problems, being loud, suspect activity such as people coming and going all hours of the day and night etc. I'd be thinking she and the neighbors were concerned about break ins, their kids, their safety, etc.
She doesn't say anything like that. She just doesn't like it that he beat the system (and probably that she didn't think of it first).
hmmm...and where IS this person that abandoned the house? Anyone notice any newly dug flower beds in Lee's backyard?