Death is not a quick way to lose weight; it is, however, a quick way to make weight meaningless or irrelevant. A quick way to lose weight is amputation.
What u wrote is error.
When your deciduous human body ceases to function,
it drops off of u and u get out of it, thereby losing 1OO% of its weight.
Thereafter, it does not mean much to u.
People don' t usually like to get back in again.
I wish that I had been out for a longer period, each time.
I am not sure that I can agree completely with you but I do see the logic you are using!
What happens when you step into someone else s body do you gain their wait?
I never knew it could be possible until recently!
I dunno; it has never occurred to me to try THAT.
I was thinking of a video I seen that demonstrated how our brains can be fooled into thinking that you have stepped out of your body. It gives a couple of different examples!
Why You are scared of death ?!!!????!!
If not, do You know why??
You were dead before !!!
Before You were born.
Life and death is like light and shadow.
Shadow does not exist.
Shadow is simply lack of light.
Death does not exist.
Death is lack of existence.
Did You exist before You were born ?
Like I said You were dead before.
You did not exist and will cease to exist.
Were You scared before You were born?
Is the light good and shadow bad??
Is the life good and death bad??
The cycle is simply a balance between two opposites.
A contrast.
Were You scared of life when You were dead?
So why to be scared of death being alive.
The cycle is beyond our control.
Did You want to be alive when You were dead?
Was it bad there, was it good?
So why scared, hmm.
The unknown.
We are so much more scared of the unknown than anything else.
So why do we assume it is bad?
Maybe just dying is bad but death is ok.
The transition.
You might be right being born is bad i suppose, thanks **** You dont remember it.
Your mother does, if she is alive….
Yes we are afraid of dying not death.
We say “ I hope You die” not “I hope You will be dead”.
How can death be eternal, infinite?
When it has ended once already....When You ceased not to exist.
Did You think, life is eternal, before You were born?
Death = no bother.
It was a privilege not to exist.
No questions, no unknown, nothing.
You say death is bad so why We commit suicide when our life is bad, does not make sense.
Before You were born, would You rather stay dead?
What prevented You being born before You were born, what decided the time of start of Your existence.
Is it so we could apperciate the lack of it, unawareness?
We dont comprehend existence nor the lack of it.
You ask what is the meaning of life.
I ask what is the meaning of death.
Weird when dead You dont care bout existence nor non-existence.
Once alive we care about both.
If there was no light, never existed there would be no shadow, what would there be then.
So if there was no existence then analogically no non-existence.
What would You be if You were not alive nor dead.
Apologies for any mistakes as English is not my firs lang.
A sleepless night served me with a bit of lateral thinking.
I'd appreciate dif. perspectives, i dont mind is someon does not agree these are my thoughts not facts.
I have to say I like and agree with your sentiments my friend, and am happy to forgive the short paragraphs in view of your disclaimer
0 Replies
Tue 29 Mar, 2016 06:56 am
Not only is there no reason to fear death, at some point it becomes a down right attractive alternative. Not only if life has been a miserable, but if it has been happy and successful beyond your wildest dreams too.
If life has given you everything and more, you run out of things to look forward to here which is the least attractive alternative I can think of. Death looks downright exciting and welcome in that case. It's the last thing to look forward to.
Only a believer in 'an afterlife' could classify death as 'an alternative'.
Interestingly Freud's 'death wish' as a subconscious drive, was associated in part with a hypothetical desire to return to 'the passive security of the womb'. This of course has connections with a 'God' concept as 'a loving parent'. But Freud's hypothetical embryo state was already imbued with 'an awareness' of its 'secure location'. Since 'death' is scientifically associated with 'absence of awareness', Freud was clearly either playing games with the word 'death', or paying lip service to religion, no doubt due to the prevailing religious aspects of his own socialization. The alternative, of dropping the word 'wish' and emphasizing 'drive' as in 'natural instinct to return to an inanimate state' did not sit well with other concepts such as 'survival instinct'.
Yes. I am saying suicide may be classified as 'a solution' to the misery of life, but not 'an alternative state of being', unless you believe 'being' transcends death.
No its not 'an alternative'. It's simply a cessation of a state. The choice is not 'death' per se but the 'cessation of life'. 'States' can only be defined relative to an extant observer. To argue otherwise is to wave the dreaded 'naive realism' banner !
NB 'Fear of death' is indeed fear of a 'hypothetical state of being'. As such it is logically vacuous unless you argue that 'being' transcends 'death'. To argue that suicide mitigates against 'fear of death' is to fail to appreciate the logical fallacy of what that fear is about.