Anyway, several states are noit signers of , say Vlean Water, or Clean Air. so they have thweir own regs that , in most cases , actually exceed what EPA has been enforcing.
Each age has lweft us with several legacies , many of which are toxic. Are you now saying that we should return to "the good old days" when coal companies have defiled entire river systems or poisoned wells? The very problem we are now faced with in gas drilling is that, under GW Bush, the gas and oil drillwers were exwepmpeted fro all Federal WEnvironmental laws. This is starting to coem home to roost.
ANYTHING of the extraction inindustries will continue despite intensity of wnvironmental rules. For example, where is the gas in the BArnett Shale or the Marcellus Shale going? WHy must the drillwers pollute entire river systems and water supplies (And this is doen without any recourse unless laws are reversed)
Bush and the puppetmaster DArk Lord , Cheney, have taken and fucked up environmental progress jsut to enrich theirbuddies. This will ahve no impact on your wallet unless yu live in the gas fields of PA, La, Tex, ND, WVa orColo. (then you will be faced with trying to get your life back in ordwer while the gas companies foul your water and air)
Your arguments are nonsense and you are trying to sound like some fat cat who is a partjer of Williams Drlling or HAlliburton, and you dont have a clue whats really the issue