I don't hate America waterdude, I hate politicians who attempt to rewrite history for their own political ambitions. I'm not too fond about their 'running dogs' who attempt to rationalize their attempts using "Leninist Realpolitik" maneuvers.
Isn't that the point of this thread, waterdude? Aren't you attempting maneuvers to correct Bachmann boneheaded historical errors?---
BTW the original draft of the Constitution was written by Madison, John Adams was a founding father-not John Quincy Adams, all the founding fathers were dead by 1836-slavery didn't end until 1865, the 3/5 compromise remains as part of the living document that makes evident that slavery was a hotly discussed condition rationalized to get the document approved.
As far as the presidential ambitions of Bachmann--let her open her mouth as much as possible--it only seems to attract her feet.
But then somehow I feel that I'm discussing this with someone who firmly believes that Paul Revere's ride in 1775 was to defend the 2nd Amendment of a document written in 1789.