Fido wrote:
... Honor is the essential element of a happy life for a person as it is for the life of a nation... Justice is an essential element of honor, the williness to give as we get fairly to demand and deliver what all deserve and need... This is a land without honor or justice, and of consequence it knows little happiness and much pain, and that pain which has been chronic is growing and spreading and will kill us if we cannot deliver ourselves from the failed constitution and raise ourselves to a new form of mutual existence... I do not think we will all get there...
It seems that "honor" is used here as though the concept is a real, not a man made concept. It was "honor" that caused Southern gentleman to meet on the lawn of a courthouse at dawn and duel with pistols. It is honor that causes middle eastern families to kill a female relative. It is honor that causes fights.
We really have no honor, other than the honor we make up in our heads. I say this because the use of the phrase, "I was disrespected" is just clipped talk for "My honor was disrespected." And, to "regain" one's honor, one may think it is correct to start all sorts of mayhem, be it people or countries (i.e., Nazi Germany).
Anyway, honor is an artificial construct, just like race is an artificial construct. But, that's not saying there aren't many people that subscribe to your thinking, even on the right side of the bellcurve.