Things happen at sea.
The Titanic comes to mind,
So many victims.
So many victims
Of wars, so many men who
Enjoy fighting them.
Enjoy fighting them.
Eternal peace wanted now,
Would you not agree?
Would you not agree
With those who say you are a
Selfish, mean person?
Selfish, mean person?
What that message tells me
is not very nice.
Dutchy wrote:Selfish, mean person?
What that message tells me
is not very nice.
Is not very, nice?
Summer's nigh on flawless gem
Tumbling into night.
Tumbling into night
So beautiful poetic
Like a silver moon.
Like a silver moon
In an inky sky, Helen
Lit up the ballroom.
The Pen is wrote:Like a silver moon
In an inky sky, Helen
Lit up the ballroom.
Lit up the ballroom
so as stairs climbed gingerly
lead to no travail.
lead to no travail.
Childbirth is so beautiful,
I remember it well.
I remember it.
Well, in those days I could count
To five. Clever me.
To five. Clever me.
You are such a smart whiz kidd
Why don't you teach me.
Dutchy wrote:To five. Clever me.
You are such a smart whiz kidd
Why don't you teach me.
Why don't you teach me
syntax, o pen to describe
skies of darkling night
Skies of darkling night
Can the mortal comprehend
the meaning of this
the meaning of this
sounds so very romantic,
music to my ears.
Music, to my ears,
Has to be classical; pop
Just doesn't cut it.
Just doesn't cut it
Does it, eh? Blunt-bladed knives
Are just so, like, pants.
Are just so, like pants
Stretched upon a washing line
In order of size.
In order of size
Marrows in ranks, judgement day
At the village fete
At the village fete
Farmers sell their fresh products,
Straight to the public.