I wonder why so
Much that people stop talking
To me. I'm lonely.
To Me, I'm lonely
surrounded by multitudes
safer in my room.
Safer in my room,
Where the dry rot gnaws silent
Fungus creeps up walls
Fungus creeps up walls
And then suddenly it stalls
It met ma's picture
It met ma's picture
old snapshots in black and white
sepia toned portraits
sepia toned portraits
of sepia-toned people
I can't see anything
I can't see anything
my eyes do betray me now
old age takes it toll.
Old age takes its toll.
Things sag and bump and jiggle
where firmness once ruled.
Where firmness once ruled
Easy does it now resides
Wonder how it sleeps ?
Wonder how it sleeps?
the once nurturing soulmate,
May it die screaming!
May it die screaming!
The name of its Nemesis
The terminator
the terminator
he is very powerful
i am scared of it
I am scared of it
The scream in the night, the ice-
Cold hand on my neck.
Cold hand on my neck
Cools the ardour in my heart
Love is so fickle
Love is so fickle
I think you're cute but I might
change my mind again
change my mind again
let's just say I'm flexible
will bend with the wind
Will bend with the wind,
Go with the waterfall's flow.
Live for the moment.
Live for the moment,
eat ice cream, pinch shapely bums,
laugh at silly men.
laugh at silly men
for life might take it away
love everyday now
Love, every day now
means laughing at myself, and
you, laughing as well.