A heat burns within:
It can consume everything;
It can shrink to ash.
It can shrink to ash
this long cigarette I smoke;
just like your love did.
Just like your love did
Fly, the last sodden remains
The wind softly steals.
The wind softly steals
the echo of my hearts cry
my voice is silent.
my voice is silent
but I still have my PC
I type like thunder
I type like thunder.
Oh, the misspelled words come fast!
But nothing stops me.
But nothing stops me
Flying where lies my fast want:
I am a 'flu germ.
I am a flu germ.
Everyone treats me like one ...
I'm always alone
I'm always alone
blessed solitude comforts
the weary psyche.
The weary psyche
in me wishes I could live
the way i dream it.
The way I dream it
The ending will be happy
But he holds my fate
But he holds my fate.
I question him, but he answers
rarely, if at all.
Rarely, if at all,
Do I play the Beatles' song
'All you need is love'.
'All you need is love'
My motto, through each day. But
Money buys some souls.
Money buys some souls
It doesn't buy happiness
You can live on love
You can live on love
if macaroni and cheese
taste romantic now.
taste romantic now
the cooked love in this meatloaf
perfection half-baked.
perfection half- baked
goody two shoes trips and falls
jumping over clouds
Jumping over clouds
is impossible for fleas
although they leap well.
although they leap well
dogs still cannot fly
i wonder why so