I dont know what youre getting at about "Piltdowns". Back in the 1090'sBakker had first reported that dinosaur bones in cross section were typical of endothermic organisms and that features such as heat dissipating structures had been evolved away by the Cretaceous for most dino families. The argument that dinosaurs could have been endothermic was a non issue since it was agreed on many years ago.
AS far as the reporting herein of the actual "body temps". These guys have no basis to conclude the similarities to body temperetaures from isotopes without more detailed information about their ratios. They have to go through several more rigorous layers of experiment and evidence collection before the hypothesis is accepted as gospel. Im always skeptical when the news articles precede the actual scientific publication.
C13 is a non biiogenic carbon isoptope and O18 is part of the O18/O16 isotope ratio(temperature sensitive) scale that needs to be comp;ared as a true ratio before any actual temperature significance can be forwarded. If they only measure O18, they cant say anything about temperatures because ocean deposited rocks adjacent to volcanoes are also rich in O18 . Does that mean that dinosaurs could have had body temps of say, boiling water??
This "Irish Weather" article is written in a bit of a slapdash manner and is just some reporters understanding of **** that probably comes off the wire. No real in depth reporting ahs (IMHO) been done.
Lets look at the techy literature first. Id suggest that you google the principle authors names and begin a search for as much of the background data as is on the web. Eg.How did they generate any temp ranges for the Flourapatite (bone sourced minerals in fossils) when the reporter only speaks of O18 to C13 and not including O16_
Im not saying that this is untrue . Its just that we were given no basis from which to conclude the results as did the authors of the tech paper.
The remarkeable "ccurate" ranges of body temperatures are , as reported, actually kind of funny when you see how with great authority some dude publishes that Carnosaurs had a body temp of 38.5 degrees C. and noone should question this decimal level temperature?? Cmon, That kind of reporting needs to be in a tabloid (maybe Irish weather is one).
Dont jump to ends that you cant support, be more demanding with your data and any precanned conclusions