Great you don't know how close I was to accepting if my Aunt in Dallas did not come through I might have just put Bean & Carlotta in the car and headed north on I-35. Actually Carlotta is a much better typist than I am.
I have a friend who was able to quit smoking after a trip to Minn., at Christmas one year, to cold to go outside to smoke.
Silly me. I thought you meant my hubby. Jenny doesn't mind at all -- she just lays under the computer table (which does make it a little difficult to put my feet down) and sleeps. She is especially fond of the snacks I bring to the computer table.
Your killin me bandylu maybe that is why I am unattached I think more of the cat and dog than the man. Have you ever seen that refrigerator magnet, Husband and dog missing reward for the return of the dog.
My S.O. is so busy with the TV that the fact that I
am missing is rarely even noticed. I think that
comedies are necessary in one whose life as a child
was extremely horrible/sad/lost/troubled
sigh -- we each live our separate lives, together.
My room mate's parents are like that they do seperate stuff even when they are in the same room. They are very happy.
Despite the fact that my wife thinks, her English isn't good enough, she believes that this is something more or less silly and useless.
And maybe it is, Walter, but silly and useless can be a good thing to keep active minds out of trouble. :wink:
Well, I got invited by my husband who sometimes spends the whole night in front of the computer - then again, he starts work at 11:00 am. I didn't really understand what this was all about at first. Now I know that you can get hooked - which is happening to me at this very moment. And since he works when I'm home and I work when he's home we never fight over the computer. Of course, we're checking each other's post :wink:
Great answer Setanta.
Now that answer has to be one of finest examples of the all around usage of the medium.
"Devil's Playground Indeed my Dear Will Robinson",

would say Dr. Smith from the original TV series Lost in Space.
This is only my second response on this new forum, so please be kind. I really am not sure that I'm doing things right.
Hubby is aware of all the good and bad that has come with that other forum, but hasn't yet found out I've found this new one.
He really doesn't have the time or patience to deal with the computer, especially since he'd have to fight over it with three females.
Besides, he'd rather be a couch potatoe anyway.
Welcome, dlk33, you're doing fine. :-D
dlk33, I think I remember a number of meetings over in the other place. Welcome aboard, A2K is different and it is moderator by the best - our own!
My sweetie doesn't know about A2K and knew very little about Abuzz. He's not at all interested in computers, he works with his hands (and what nice hands they are too!)
It's not that I keep you all a secret but I think of you as MY online buddies and I have never thought about inviting other people I know in real life to my online chats or sites that I visit.
I don't use the computer at night or the weekends because I am out and about with him. I won't even buy internet access at home because he would never be able to tear me away from the computer!