pd, the hubby has tried to give me grief about it a few times but a "Fine, YOU go ahead and stay home full time with the kiddo" is usually enough to set him straight. He is genuinely really busy, and I'm not sure if he would do more here if he had time. We do a little tag-team thing with the computer when we're both home (he has Very Important Physics Emails coming in at all hours of the day) and so he frequently reads whatever happens to be on the screen.
Setanta, he's the Evil Genius, he knows whatever he wants to know.

So you be careful. You too, Fishin'.
McKenzie, right, same here. I forward him sites ("www.blackpeopleloveus.com") or jokes or useful links or whatnot. Occasionally links to a specific thread. (He spends a lot of his time at work in front of the computer, so we're back-and-forthing via email prolly 20 times a day.)
bandylu, how'd you take so naturally, nay, masterfully to the 'net? Did you have more prior experience than your husband?