You are an idiot BEwildered. Hers one of your "Muscle cell" micrographs. Obviously itn not yours cause its a "Thin Section" cut at about 35 microns and plated incorrectly (its a glue wedge where one side actually rises up). The slide demponstrates several issues that are unioque to PLAGIOCLASES
1Habit of the crystal masses (they abut each other at specific angles)
2Twinning under cross nichols-The color absorption of light under the nichols prism shows us polarized light effects
3EXTINCTION, when [o;arized light is absorbed by one crstal plane, its twin is reflecting. Notice how pwerfect the stripes are, thats a habit feature of several "solid solution" twin mionerals
4INCLUSIONS-We can see that the plagioclase is inserted "in between" a matrix of another mineral (Im gonna assume that its quartz because the thicknesses are off and the color for quartz should be gray and white). Since when do muscle fibers even look so included and angular?
The funny thing about this is that the very technique you are trying to convince yourself about is the very same trick that Rosalin Franklin and Watson and Crick used to determine DNA's structure (when DNA was dry as a cryustal)
Youve got crystals of plagioclase here, not "muscle fibres", thats something that Id send to any reasonable scientist in the woreld and he or she would laugh at you.