Forgive me, but I didn't read everyone else's replies.
From what you said you have two options.
1) Leave him, before you have children (if you don't already) and have to be in contact with him for the rest of your life
2) Stay with him and insist he takes his medication for his bipolar disorder. Remind him that though you understand his condition, it is not an excuse for his behave though it may been some of the explantion. Depending on the severity of his disorder as well. Keep in mind many people with the condition get on such a great medication regime that they think they are fine and stop taking their meds. Sometimes it takes everything falling apart on them to make them realize they are wrong.
I assume you are aware of all the mania symptoms for bipolar, is he experiencing these? You are his wife so you may be able to contact his therapist.
Personally, I wouldn't stay with him if he isn't taking his medication, when unmedicated he could develop a severe temper with his mood swings and if severe enough he could develop psychosis.
If you need to talk, PM me.
Whatever decision you make just make sure it is best for you!