If all else fails, this might go on for years...
You have to bite the bullet, find new friends and be humble, you gotta find some virtue in stoic betterment of yourself... Or, turn your rage inward, bring it to tears and attack something completely immune to you, then you will find tomorrow looks better, because no-one was hurt and you let it all out.
Walls are best, knuckles may suffer.
Punch bags are excellent, though it takes longer.
Doors, not so good, plus it costs.
Remember or try to see that the forces outside your control in the world play a vast part in all this and even the other people do not see all that. They go home, they eat their Pizza and watch terminator 2 for the 12th time.
Oh and that girl... You were being screwed with differently than ever before, it was not you. We know that. Same crap happened to me once.. Inside it feels weird.
If it does'nt come to tears, punchbag training really helps with ignoring people and 'getting on'.