I think he is not composing a scenario but he is waring a social mask
that he needs to get on with people. It is default setting in him.
The way I see it is that he definitely has the potential to treat me right.
He doesn't think he should also be thoughtful and caring at home.
We get the real deal. We are the family.
I think he is genuinely a nice guy deep down, but something is really wrong right now.
I still have many good memories of him when he was nice.
And he can be a very good dad when he is not angry.
I am getting hurt everyday. His anger is affecting all of us.
I really don't want to leave him but live with him is just so difficult,
painful and unhappy at the moment that our family is falling apart.
This is really what is hurting me the most.
I can see that we could be a very happy family if we just simply deal
with his own issues (counseling) and do not pick on us instead and leave us alone in peace.
How come he just can't slow down for a little while and try to figure out
why things aren't working for him that why we are so unhappy
and go on to make some change, once for all?
We really could be a very good family if he is less controlling...
I have tried many ways to get me message heard but he can't hear me
for some reason, or he just couldn't understand why I complain
when he is just trying to "help me, take care of me and
that he was only make commons". He sees it as if I am over reacting
all the time and that I am too sensitive.
Which it can be true that I can be a bit sensitive and over reacting at times,
but I would say he is too insensitive, inconsiderate and overly unthoughtful.
He constantly offers unwanted help, intervention,
critics (not solutions, which I would love to get any time),
proof checks every thing I do that he could put his finger on.
and there is only one way of doing things, which is his way.
I am not capable of knowing how he would handle everything,
and therefore I end up always doing the wrong thing...
He is curing me, he thinks.
Isn't it when I say no, he should stop. I things are that simple.