Noah The African wrote:That is one of the most asinine analogies that I have heard on this forum, concerning the shot in the head.
I agree. And since it is analogous to
your logic I would say the same about the logic you posit.
In fact it was with only that (demonstrating the absurdity of your argument) that it was posited.
Quote: What I have said is that nature or nurture is the determinant of human behavior and condition.
And as I illustrate that is an asinine argument you used that excludes the individual's choices from the equation and posits a convenient either/or that you use to fault whites for all the black's woes.
Quote: Being that you are ignorant of this fact, I guess you want VALIDATION, however, I am not a credible source for you so I suggest that you seek validation form a source that you feel is objective. Nature or nurture, internal or external, genetics or environment
it all boils down to the same thing.
You miss the point entirely. Here's a nice simple summary:
You are wrong to dictate that there is an implicit choice between black genetic defect and white racism. You do this by neglecting, say, black choices in life and culture that are not genetic but also not external.
Here's an example.
Person A is a white poor guy.
According to your convoluted logic he is either genetically damaged or his poverty is external.
Now Person A simply happens to hate work. That is neither genetic nor external but is his choice.
This very simple analogy illusstrates that the choice you attempt to force (genetic defect or white devils) is a very stinky brainfart.
Quote:If a person purposely shoots himself in the head, it is an action born either from a genetic condition or environmental stimuli that created a situation that the individuals mind could not cope with...or combination thereof.
Sigh, not it is not. It's more likely a mixture of both. Genetic predisposition and circumstantial factors.
But ultimately he shot himself because of the choice he made. So you can't simple rule everything to be either genetic or external.
Quote:Your choice of genetics or white folks is simply an egregious embellishment of the true position that I am presenting. You have simply tried to sensationalize and make absurd my position by restating it in a way that makes is refutable. However, my position are clearly stated and you can go back and read them.
Nope, I just cut to the chase.
When you try to say that black poverty is either genetic or external your next step is to say that the external factors include white racism and whites whould pay blacks.
If you'd liek to take it step by step we can. I have no problem with this as you ahve the rare quality of getting it ass-backwards in each step of the way.
Let's take your direct argument:
That if the cause is not genetic it is external.
How do you reconcile that with the fact that a mixture is possible and there is not an either/or?
How do you reconcile that with the fact that an individual's choice is neither genetic nor "external".
I've made the first step easy in hopes that you'll actually try to defend the brainfart. It should be fun.