Seriously. They NSFW labeled this. Seriously.
You really and truly would hate mandatory voting. Because your Tea Party/Teapublican stooges would be voted out on their asses in successive elections. Why other would you be trying so hard to end voluntary voting rights right now.
Thats a fact, not a question, Sparky.
Just think what a shill for radical Islam would do. They'd probably depose a secular ruler in an illegal war based on false pretences. They'd likely set up an illegal detention facility where people are tortured and kept without chance of a trial, thus giving credence to the words of Islamists like Bin Laden. They'd turn the invaded country into a base and breeding ground for ISIS.
And the day after 9/11, when all other commercial flights were grounded, they'd make a special case for Osama Bin Laden's relatives, so they could avoid being interviewed by the FBI.
That's what Dubya did.
@bobsal u1553115,
Nothing surprises me about the right wing bias of A2K's moderators.
Bobsal wrote:["You really and truly would hate mandatory voting. Because your Tea Party/Teapublican stooges would be voted out on their asses in successive elections."]
How true. The TeaParty is desperately hard at work restricting voters' rights and gerrymandering. They realize beyond a shadow of a doubt that if the normal mass of people came out to vote they would not stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning. This same attitude reflects the most extremist anti-immigrant fringe who also do not want to pass an immigration bill. The extremist Republicans are trying to protect the white power structure which, sooner or later is going to crumble as a new demographic emerge to change the face of America.
"Since the last midterm elections in 2010, 22 states have passed strict new voting restrictions, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Some of those measures took effect before the 2012 election, as in Florida, where long lines at polling stations apparently deterred at least 200,000 people from voting that year. Nationally, fewer people cast votes in the presidential race in 2012 than in 2004, even though the country saw the number of eligible voters increase by 8 million. In 15 states, this year's midterms will mark the first federal election with a host of these new voting restrictions in action."
Since the election of Barack Obama, the Republican Party is having conniptions and is determined to not let another minority capture the White House. I don't count the Republican African American Dr. Ben Carson, the presidential candidate; he's AIN'T going anywhere and is allowed in purely for decorations, i.e. for a public relations exercise, to demonstrate the GOP is not racist.
Yes, dimbulb, it is. It is a form of poll tax. Why do you hate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights so much????
You're talking out of your ass. Document any mandatory voting in the Soviet Union.