Where are the networks? It is clear they will not tell the whole story. This administration wants ignorant selfish Americans, and it has got them.
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Fri 27 Feb, 2015 09:57 pm
The party of traitors.
NEW YORK – A threat to Hillary Clinton’s much anticipated 2016 presidential campaign appears to be developing in Egypt where that nation’s government is taking steps to criminalize the Muslim Brotherhood.
Specifically, a new criminal complaint has been filed with Egypt’s attorney general, Hisham Barakat, alleging then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton collaborated with Naglaa Mahmoud, the wife of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, in seeking to incite domestic insurrections to topple Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the Egyptian general who has been commander in chief of the Egyptian armed forces, as well as minister of defense, since Aug. 12, 2012.
Researcher Walid Shoebat, a native Arabic-speaker and a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative, has reported on his blog that credible news sources in Egypt have reported in Arabic that criminal charges have been brought against Hillary Clinton and Morsi’s wife.
Shoebat translated the following from an Egyptian Mehwar TV channel news video in which television reporter Nasr Qaffas explains on camera details of an interview Turkey’s Anatolia news agency conducted with Naglaa Mahmoud.
The excerpts from the transcript of the Mehwar TV news video include comments by Naglaa Mahmoud implicating Huma Abedin, wife of former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner and the former Hillary Clinton chief of staff whom WND has identified as having close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood:
Asian Americans fight against racial discrimination
Socialists and communists are the biggest racists in the world. They see no one as an individual except themselves. Everyone else is categorized by their sex (women over men), sexual orientation (gay over bi over straight) religion (atheist over Muslim over Buddhist over mainstream Protestant over evangelicals over Catholics over Jews), and of course race (black over Hispanic over white over Asian).
It is that last racial group that is rebelling against the racial quotas in colleges. Harvard and other elitist colleges face lawsuits over there bigotry in undergraduate admissions.
And now an academy in California is teaching Asian-Americans how to fight the prejudice.
Colleges adjust SATs to fit the race: being black gets you 230 points, Hispanic 185, and Asians lose 50 points, according to the Los Angeles Times,
What kind of bullshit is that? Do you want quality or mediocrity, if it even approaches that level.
This explains the prejudice. Asian student bring culture and refinement to the Ivy League.
Affirmative action picks like Barack Obama bring choom and blow.
If Asians really were smart, they would pull an Elizabeth Warren and list themselves as black on the college application.