Sat 3 Jan, 2015 12:00 pm
Sat 3 Jan, 2015 12:35 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
You and the story forget to mention that once given the choice of unions in the schools in WI, the teachers have chosen to get rid of their unions. Teachers Unions membership is at an all time low and now that money they were paying the unions goes into their own pockets, good for them, they earned it and they should keep it.
bobsal u1553115
Sun 4 Jan, 2015 10:46 am
What the **** does that even mean. How is that being made to happen. Particularly from someone who only knows to shout people down. You need to read up on Irony.

It has nothing to do with what your mother took in to earn pin money and bingo nite.

Pretty ******* sad state of affairs when you and Baldimo represent the "reasonable conservatives" on A2K.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Sun 4 Jan, 2015 10:51 am
Cherry pick an example. If that were true then why are Teapublican Governors so intent on legislating teachers exempt from collective bargaining? If what you said were so true beyond your cherry(of which you provided no details to back your bald assertion). explain Corbit, Scott, Christie and all the rest?
Sun 4 Jan, 2015 11:03 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Cherry picking? You were talking about WI and the teachers unions. Unless you have been reading stories that union membership is up, then thems the facts. As an addition, have you ready any stories about general union membership increasing? Unions have been on the decline for a few decades now. That is also a fact. In fact I would be happy if every type public sector union was disbanded. You should support this as you are anti-cop and the biggest problem with the cops is their union. Not sure how you could support one type of public sector union and be against another.

bobsal u1553115
Sun 4 Jan, 2015 01:56 pm
The Senate's 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans
On Tuesday, 33 US senators elected in November will be sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden — including 12 who are new to the chamber. The class includes 22 Republicans and 11 Democrats, a big reason why the GOP has a 54-46 majority in the Senate overall.

But here's a crazy fact: those 46 Democrats got more votes than the 54 Republicans across the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections. According to Nathan Nicholson, a researcher at the voting reform advocacy group FairVote, "the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes."
Sun 4 Jan, 2015 03:13 pm
Jews FLEE Europe in RECORD numbers in the face of rising anti-semitism

Read more:

And the New York Daily News recounts the history of attacks that is leading to the exodus:

In 2012 Mohamed Merah shot dead seven people, including three children at a Jewish school, in Toulouse, southern France.

In May last year, a Frenchman shot dead four people at the Jewish museum in Brussels, in neighboring Belgium.

There were huge demonstrations in Paris, which led to synagogues being attacked, following Israel’s actions in Gaza last year.

And last month a couple were attacked in their Paris suburb home. The wife was raped, in what was described as an anti-Semitic attack.

“The reasons for these departures is the very worrying climate which has prevailed for years. It’s a phenomenon that touches all social classes and all ages of Jews in France,” said Elie Korchia, the vice-president of a prominent Jewish organization, the Consistory of Paris.

Remember how liberals keep saying America needs to be more like “tolerant” Europe? Keep this in mind of what their “utopia” really looks like.

This is where we are headed if the progressives and Islamists get their way. And Obama is helping in any way he legally can. It seems to be the cool thing to do, and the idiots who think any society like this is better are lying to themselves.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 06:56 am
Boehner's challengers: Gohmert, Yoho
this ought to be fun

Washington (CNN)At least two conservative hard-liners are now offering themselves up as candidates to unseat House Speaker John Boehner.

Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Florida, said this weekend that he won't support Boehner as speaker when lawmakers vote Tuesday, and offered himself up as an alternative. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, did the same thing on Fox News' "Fox and Friends Sunday."

"Well, we have heard from a lot of Republicans that, 'Gee, I would vote for somebody besides Speaker Boehner but nobody will put their name out there as running so there's nobody else to vote for,'" Gohmert said.

"Well that changed yesterday when my friend Ted Yoho said 'I'm putting my name out there. I'll be a candidate for speaker,'" he said. "And I'm putting my name out there also, today, to be another candidate for speaker. All people are welcome, unlike what some of the establishment people are saying."
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 07:00 am
Yeah, because NeoNazis love muslims and are secret Islamists!

Its nice to see you document your opinion with some reasonable sources. Thankyou.

German neo-Nazis increasingly target Islam

Islamic State violence appears to result in increasingly racist sentiment against immigrants

This week, nearly 10,000 supporters of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the Occident) -- a German right-wing alliance of anti-Islamic protesters, among them many Neo-Nazis -- gathered in Dresden. The group's aims are to promote "law and order" and a stricter asylum legislation in Germany. The preservation of German identity, the group says on their Facebook page, would go together with a struggle against what PEGIDA calls "asylum abuse" and the "misleading mainstream media." They see themselves as a movement of the people.

AFP Photo/Tobias SchwarzAFP Photo/Tobias Schwarz"Women wearing headscarfs walk across a street market in Berlin's Neukoelln district on December 12, 2014"

Indeed, it is not only the weekly rhythm, but also the overall nationalist tenor and aesthetics of the protests that make them look like an infamous East German tradition: the Monday demonstrations, in which protesters rallied against the German Democratic Republic (GDR) regime before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. PEGIDA has taken on a similar sentiment. One could say that the group simply copied that very tradition and injected it with a heavy dose of anti-Islamic racism. Lutz Bachmann, the demonstrations' initiator and a previously convicted right-wing activist, denies that his group is targeting Muslims or foreigners per se. "What we don’t like here are economic refugees mooching on the German system", he told the New York Times.

Clearly, PEGIDA has sparked a broad political debate. German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently criticized the protests. "There is no place for agitation against religious people or xenophobia," a representative spokeswoman said. However, the government had to take people's concerns into consideration, she added, indicating that immigration issues will be discussed. German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière showed himself to be skeptical about PEGIDA's leadership, yet he demanded understanding towards the demonstrators. "Some of them feel foreign in their own country," he said in the leading Tagesthemen evening news. Bernd Lucke, head of the competing German AfD-party (Alternative for Germany) and whose position on immigrant integration is farther to the right than the CDU, even welcomed the protests.

Such positive responses to the group are surprising since, according to the Federal Office for Migration in Germany, the number of asylum applications is relatively low, with a little more than 150,000 in 2014. In fact, only 2.2 percent of Saxony's residents have an immigrant background. Essentially, PEGIDA's activities seem to rely more on external than internal events. Ever since the media focused much of its attention on the Islamic State and its recruitment of Europeans, racist undertones have been unmistakable.

Prior to Merkel's statements many condemned PEGIDA. Heiko Maas, a member of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), called upon all German parties to unite in opposition to the group. Religious representatives followed. "The slogans of these demonstrators show that xenophobia and anti-Semitic racism have become socially acceptable," said Aiman Mazyek, director of the Central Council for Muslims in Germany. He especially warned of sympathies with PEGIDA's positions within the German establishment and demanded a more explicit distancing from officials.

AFP Photo/Arno BurgiAFP Photo/Arno Burgi"Demonstrators protest against the PEGIDA movement, or "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamification of the Occident," at a rally on December 8, 2014 in Dresden, Germany"

Church representatives opposed the group's claim that it relies on Christian thinking. In a public appeal, they stated that PEGIDA uses the current fears of Islamic terror to generally incite against refugees and foreigners. Eventually, also Jewish voices condemned the group's goals. Nora Goldenbogen, the head of the Dresden Jewish Community, publicly emphasized how important it is to help people in need during a counter-protest being held against PEGIDA, according to a report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The number of victims during the Holocaust would have been much higher, she said, "if there hadn’t been people who were ready to receive refugees."

Hannah Tzuberi, a German-Jewish scholar of Jewish Studies in Berlin, criticized the double-standards in the discussion.

"One cannot deny anti-Semitic excesses in the demonstrations against the war on Gaza earlier this year," she told i24news. "But it is simply impossible to disconnect the discussion about this anti-Semitism from the anti-Muslim demonstrations in Dresden these days. This is not legitimate anger. It is cultural racism as a mass phenomenon."

Two recent legal approaches in the CDU coalition seem to indicate a different form of double-ethics regarding the condemnation of PEGIDA on the one hand and efforts to push towards a fiercer agenda on immigration and integration on the other. Firstly, the proposed ban on the Muslim burqa following the French 2010 model by CDU politician Julia Kloeckner. Secondly, a draft law by the CDU's Bavarian sister-party CSU proposing that foreigners who seek to have permanent residency in Germany should be urged to speak German, both in public and at home.

Whereas the second has been widely criticized and ridiculed on grounds of its general reasonableness – especially since it came from a German state whose local accent is, even for Germans, far from understandable –, the first claimed to defend women's rights and thus escaped accusations of Islamophobia.

Nevertheless, critics have interpreted both as attempts to pander to voters on the right in light of the rise of the AfD-party. "Islamophobia is on the rise in Germany," writes one of those critics, German journalist Yassin Musharbash, in a recent contribution to the Guardian. "Politicians here have sensed that something is building. But until very recently, they mostly just maintained that people’s grievances should be taken seriously, rather than criticizing the racist sentiment that came with their complaints." Following those lines of thought, it doesn't seem to be a coincidence that the proposed burqa ban and the CSU's ragged advances against bilingualism followed shortly after PEGIDA's demonstrations.

Hanno Hauenstein is a journalist covering events in Berlin and Tel Aviv.
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bobsal u1553115
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 07:04 am
Trial of German neo-Nazis accused in immigrant killings on hold
Published May 06, 2013
Associated Press
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FILE - Undated file photo shows terror suspect Beate Zschaepehe-- sole survivor of the neo-Nazi group National Socialist Underground, which is blamed for 10 killings-- after her arrest. (AP)


MUNICH – A high-profile murder trial involving an alleged German neo-Nazi has been put on hold after defense lawyers accused the presiding judge of bias.

Judge Manfred Goetzl said Monday that he would rule on defense motions that he should recuse himself by May 14.

Main defendant Beate Zschaepe is accused of murder for alleged complicity in the killing of eight Turks, a Greek and a policewoman between 2000 and 2007. If convicted, she faces life imprisonment.

Prosecutors say Zschaepe was part of a far-right gang that also carried out two bombings and 15 bank robberies. The other two core members of the self-styled National Socialist Underground are said to have died in an apparent murder-suicide in November 2011.

Four other men are on trial accused of helping the group.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 10:52 am
"Islamophobia is on the rise in Germany,"

That alone disqualifies your argument. Islamophobia is a propaganda tool. Germans are aware and the leaders don't like it. And to say the fear is not real and justified is a lie. But you can tell these people how irrational they are.
Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace "Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2015.01.04 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Four civilians are reduced to pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.01.04 (Zaghouan, Tunisia) - Religious extremists slit the throat of an off-duty policeman.
2015.01.03 (Anbar, Iraq) - A local journalist is arrested and executed by the Islamic State for 'being an infidel'.
2015.01.02 (Ambe-Madaki, Nigeria) - Fifteen villagers are massacred when Muslim terrorists attack a Christian village.
2015.01.02 (Galkayo, Somalia) - Teachers are among the casualties of a deadly car bomb attack outside a school.
2015.01.01 (Karachi, Pakistan) - A Shiite doctor is assassinated outside his clinic by Sunni radicals.

* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 01:18 pm
Wisconsin doesn't prove anything since every school system negotiated a contract prior to the law. When the contracts expire is when we find out if it works or not. I will bet that once contract negotiations start teachers will be rejoining the union or taking pay cuts.
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 01:38 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
That's kind of a meaningless number bobsal since Senators are elected by states and only 33 of the states are up each year and the number of voters vary widely between Presidential elections years and other years. This is cherry picking of 2 non Presidential years when there are fewer voters but more GOP candidates elected.
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 01:42 pm
So it's either join the union or they will be getting a pay cut? Why is it you don't think teachers can succeed on pay raises on their own? Like any other job, if the teacher is doing their job and teaching students successfully they will see that reflected in their pay. Unions hold back good teachers so that bad teachers get the same pay raises because it's fair. Good teachers should make more money than bad teachers but the unions don't see it that way.

So far the facts don't support what you predict. The law as passed in WI has done what it was intended to do. If the side effect is damage to the teachers unions then so be it. There shouldn't be any public sector unions anyways.
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 02:25 pm
So it's either join the union or they will be getting a pay cut?
Why do you think right to work states have lower salaries?

No matter how you answer the question it will prove that they either have to join a union or get a pay cut.

What facts don't support it? List me any school districts that did new contracts since the law went into effect.
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 02:58 pm
Do you have any proof that right to work states have lower salaries? You do realize that the cost of living is different for different states and even different in certain parts of states? Comparing CA to AL isn't a fair comparison on wages.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 03:02 pm
It seems to me that right to work states are doing better than non-right to work states.
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 03:34 pm
Comparing growth in salary is not comparing salary. Someone that makes $10 an hour that gets a $1 raise might have more salary growth than someone making $20 that gets a $1 raise but only a fool would claim the person making $11 has a higher salary than someone making $21.

Of the 10 states with the highest average salary only 1 is a Right to Work state.
Of the 10 states with the lowest average salary 8 are Right to Work states.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 03:34 pm
Rep. Grimm Officially Resigns Over Tax Evasion Case
Source: NY1

Republican Congressman Michael Grimm is stepping down today following his guilty plea on a federal tax evasion charge.

Grimm announced his resignation last week.

The announcement came less than two months after he won re-election to the 11th Congressional District representing Staten Island and Brooklyn.

Grimm admitted to hiding $900,000 of income when he ran a health restaurant before he was first elected in 2010.

Read more:

I'd say the outlook for him staying out of jail is.....grimm.
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bobsal u1553115
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 03:45 pm
CEO Who Said He’d Probably Have To Fire Employees If Obama Won Is Now Giving Them Raises
Source: Think Progress


In the lead-up to the 2012 presidential election, David Siegel, billionaire chief of Florida timeshare company Westgate Resorts, sent an email to all employees. “Of course, as your employer, I can’t tell you whom to vote for,” Siegel wrote, but offered “a few facts that might help you decide what is in your best interest.” These included that re-electing Obama would “threaten your job” and result in “less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.”

Just over two years after penning that company-wide email, Siegel informed Westgate employees that instead of layoffs, he would boost their minimum wage to $10 per hour beginning in 2015.

In fact, according to Siegel, 2014 was a banner year. “We’re experiencing the best year in our history and I wanted to do something to show my gratitude for the employees who make that possible,” Siegel said in announcing the wage hike. He also recently told the Orlando Business Journal that “things have never been better.”

Westgate currently employees about 12,000 people. Though the minimum wage increase won’t impact all workers, including those who receive tips, commissions, or work under a collective bargaining agreement, a company spokesman told Vegas Inc. that thousands of employees will receive a raise because of the move.

FULL story at link.

Westgate Resorts CEO David Siegel

Read more:
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