Fri 19 Dec, 2014 12:07 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Does this mean we should rebel and rise up against our Democrat Gov here in CO? He campaigned on strong job growth and it appears we have had a loss of jobs since the election. Do the same rules apply?
bobsal u1553115
Sat 20 Dec, 2014 03:52 pm
you've got a competent governor who's going to have balanced budgets because of the taxes raised by legalized pot sales. More folks should have the good governance you enjoy even if it is against your knee jerk conservative tea-billy will. Like the Rolling Stones sang, "you don't always get what you want but sometimes you get what you need." I envy you, look at the dickwad governor I have: Rick ******* Perry.
Sat 20 Dec, 2014 06:44 pm
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 08:53 am
Obama's job approval numbers tick upward
Source: The Hill

President Obama’s job approval rating has inched up to 47 percent, according to a survey released Sunday by Gallup, the best showing for the president in more than seven months.

Obama still remains underwater, with 49 percent of Americans disapproving of his job as president. But Sunday marked the first time since June fewer a than half of respondents reported dissatisfaction with the way the president was handling his job.
The survey suggests Obama has been bolstered by his recent executive actions on immigration and Cuba policy, as well as a willingness and ability to corral some congressional Democrats into supporting a $1.1 trillion government funding bill. The White House has also spent recent weeks touting wage and job growth, as well as a substantial decline in oil prices.

At a press conference before departing to Hawaii for his annual holiday vacation, Obama argued it has been a “breakthrough year” for the country.

“Take any metric that you want, America's resurgence is real. We are better off,” he said.

Read more:

By comparison, Bush was at 38 percent at this same point, and, within a few week, would be in the low 30s.

So the whole "plummeting approval" narrative collapses.

Look for the "lib'rul media" to start up all the Ebola, ISIS, "the world is on fire" fearmongering from the pre-election period again, and they'll try their damnedest to say he's personally responsible for the NYPD shooting.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 09:03 am
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 3

Noah worries, will 40 days and nights be enough?

Crackpot Utopia: A dream world as envisioned by republicans; a manifestation or expression of the deranged, warped alternate universe inhabited by republicans, at least in their minds. See also: Bachmannism, Boehneresque.

by Noah

1. Using fear, loathing, and paranoia to sell stuff

I've long been suspicious of drug companies flogging all sorts of medications on the teevee, specifically medications for ailments we never heard of as little as five years ago. So many of these ads can easily awaken the power of suggestion in any of us, sometimes to the point where any little pain in the head gets some folks worrying about brain tumors.

As for my own life, I know now that I probably had ADHD. I sat in class and my overactive daydreaming mind went places, wonderful places. The cure then was a teacher that could keep my attention. I learned how to focus, when I wanted to. Today, they would scare my parents and drug me. I turned out fine without the little pills.

Now the righties are doing the pharma companies one better when it comes to scaring people into buying things. Take the Info Wars online store. Check out their “Wake Up America Immune Support and Patriot Blend coffees! Better yet, maybe you need their Info Wars Fluoride Shield -- you know, remember that stuff that the commies were wanting to put in our water in the 1950s and 1960s? Well, the commies musta won, since it's now in our toothpaste. Still, it's not too late! You can buy that little Info Wars bottle and -- problem solved! Well, I'll give them credit for not running off 100 words of disclaimers like Big Pharma does.

But wait, there's more: You'll be needing your five-DVD set of the Book of Revelations [sadly, apparently no longer available -- Ed.!

Bad, government-induced times are a-comin'! Remember, the Info Wars people are the folks that told us that President Obama created Superstorm Sandy in order to get reelected!

And, no Doomsday Prepper's wardrobe is complete without the Info Wars "OBAMA IS A TYRANT" T-shirt!

Spread the word!

Best of all, though, may be the 40 Day/Night food supply! (We saw the "pail" it comes in at the top of this post; here's a glimpse of the organic yummies inside.)

Downright biblical! This is the 1950s bomb-shelter mentality all over again. However, when the crap hits the fan, is a mere "40 Day/Night Organic Preparedness Pail” really gonna save you? Better buy a truckload! Do it today! Tomorrow may be too late! Way too late! You may be screwed, screwed beyond all comprehension! Nothing will save your sorry ass! (Be warned, though, that the website now cautions: "Important Notice: Due to extremely high demand caused by the recent Ebola incident, please allow an additional week for shipment.")

Damn, if the wackos only knew that the “40 Day/Night” motif in those old tales comes from the ancient Arabs. You know, like “40 Days and 40 Nights” -- or, more appropriately in this case, “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves.”

2. Arizona legalizes crack!

Well, it certainly does appear that rather than legalize marijuana, the state of Arizona has made the smoking of crack A-OK! Something has to explain how the state ended up with a legislature that came up with the Arizona Religious Freedom Bill. This is a classic case of bigots saying, "Hey, what about my rights?"

Huh, there are people against the right to discriminate?

As if previous legislation designed to fill Arizona's privately owned jails with immigrants for profit wasn't bad enough, this new bill would allow business owners to refuse service to gay people. It seems so-called Christians in Arizona love this law.

In the end, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed the law. But the law, as passed by the state's republican House by a 33-27 vote and by the state's Senate by a vote of 17-13, is designed to make it OK, or rather encourage, people to refuse service to gay people at restaurants, or in fact any retail location or anywhere else in the state.

It's not just gays, though. The wording is loose enough that it can refer to anyone that republicans just don't take a shine to -- anyone who "looks different," if you know what I mean. Governor Brewer also vetoed a previous incarnation of the bill, so I wouldn't expect a mere gubernatorial veto to cause Arizona's republicans to give up on their crusade.

Let's also keep in mind those republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives that also support those African "kill the gays" laws. Ask yourself, is it only a matter of time before Arizona republicans, or all republicans everywhere, start acting out their darkest dreams under cover of such laws?

Republicans in other states, such as Idaho, Tennessee, Mississippi, and South Dakota, have proposed laws similar to Arizona's "right to refuse service" law. Even Ohio, under neo-fascist Gov. John Kasich, is now in the game. But what is setting Arizona apart is that they have actually passed their bill and sent it to their governor. Rush Limbaugh whined about Brewer being bullied by lefties to veto the bill. FOX, of course, considers any criticism of the bill as being part of their claimed War on Religion!

Under the law, had I gone into a store in Arizona to buy a jacket, the first thing I could have been asked is if I'm straight or gay or Christian and, if so, even what kind. The wording of the bill would have opened one hell of a Pandora's box.

Funny thing is, the jacket fits the same and costs the same regardless of the details of my personal or spiritual life. In future years I think we can expect some tinkering with these proposed republican laws to allow a retailer the option of selling the jacket to a gay person but at a higher price. They can call it the Arizona Tax on Being Gay Act. "Hey, we don't discriminate, it's just going to cost you a little more if you choose the gay lifestyle."

As the movement gains momentum, will there one day be statues of Lester Maddox in Arizona's public parks? How far will they go? Keep in mind that no less than U.S. House Speaker John Boehner hand-picked the man behind the “No Gays Allowed” bill, Arizona House Speaker Andy Tobin, to be on his list of prime U.S. House candidates! Think about that next time some nutter tells you Boehner isn’t an extremist.

Where does this kind of thing end? Will republicans soon demand that gay people wear lavender stars? Maybe they’ll even add special box cars to the ends of the trains. Step by step, republicans are revealing what they want for the future. It’s there for all to see, but so many, too many, just don’t want to see it. They've already made great gains in voter suppression. What will America look like by the time republicans are done with their “social engineering”?

All aboard for the crazy train!

3. Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 3:
Bill O'Reilly, the Joe McCarthy of punditry

President Obama is interviewed by Bill-O, a legend in his own mind.

It's hard to zero in on just one example of FOX's Archie Bunker showing off his crazy. O'Reilly is TV's most smugly pompous megalomaniac. Here he is at his defensive and most self-serving best (worst), referring to his childishly rude and pathetic "interview" of President Obama.

I'm going to predict that that interview I did is going to go down in journalistic history as what should be done. . . . It takes a certain skill to pose questions in a factual way and be persistent without being disrespectful.

Bill-O rightly took much criticism for his 10-minute foolishness, and saw the need, even more than a week later, to defend himself. He obviously has no idea what an interview is, since he sat there and rapid-fired question after question at the president without pausing to even wait for an answer, because, after all, what FOX viewer wants to hear what President Obama has to say about anything? He was trying to provoke the president, and the president was incredibly gracious, when half the country would not have blamed him for throwing a punch at Bobblehead Bill. But that's pretty much what Bill-O wanted. He was performing for his geriatric audience, who just want the President to "go back to Kenya."

That O'Liely feels he has to sneak in the word "factual" to describe his questions shows that even he knows they are anything but factual. To use the word "persistent" as a substitute for "belligerent" is to rewrite the thesaurus.

Despite his over-the-top delusions of grandeur and more, O'Reilly will go down in "journalistic history" as a smug, pompous, megalomaniacal "Joe McCarthy of punditry." Yeah, he dreams of a 40-foot-high statue of himself outside of Fox "News" headquarters after he's gone, a statue much bigger than the life-size statue of Roberto Clemente, a man who actually did something good with his life and died doing it, which stands outside of the Pittsburgh Pirates' ballpark.

I piss in your urn, Bill.

TOMORROW IN PART 4: A celebration of Michele Bachmann: Pray away the crazy?; What War on Women?; The Obama angle on Malaysian Flight 370
0 Replies
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 10:31 am
@bobsal u1553115,
against your knee jerk conservative tea-billy will

What's this suppose to mean? What "will" are you referring to, you will need to explain more then you have.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 11:22 am
When the American President Hates America

Barack Obama does not like the United States. There was a lot of truth when his wife said that for the first time she was proud of her country. The Obamas see the United States as a corrupt and bullying power that needs to be humbled.

No one seeks to fundamentally transform something they love.

And let us now consider that fundamental transformation.

Russia has invaded and taken over Crimea. ISIS stretches across the Middle East beheading Americans. North Korea now demands we seek its permission before we watch movies. Police officers are being gun downed in New York to the applause of Obama voters. And 36 Cubans were just executed by Cuba in celebration of its new found relationship with the United States.

This is how Barack Obama has fundamentally transformed America. Through word and deed he has pitted neighbor against neighbor, given hostile powers tacit permission to invade their neighbors, and through rhetoric and license to others created a situation where Americans cheer police officers being gunned down.

His historic legacy will be this: he led his countrymen and the world to turn away from their better angels.

We are less safe at home and abroad as a result. But the President’s golf game goes uninterrupted and his congress remains neutered and in fear of being disliked.

One does not seek to fundamental transform things one loves.
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 12:32 pm
It's amazing the depths conservatives will sink to to try to attack Obama. The piece is specious speculation and outright lies. The link to the article on 36 Cubans being executed states there were 32 persons on a boat attempting to flee Cuba and one of them is missing after the boat sank, allegedly by being rammed by the Cuban Coast Guard. The rest were detained by the Cuban Coast Guard and the women and children were released.
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 02:09 pm
specious speculation and outright lies.

Obolas time in office?
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 06:30 pm
It's funny how the comments on that article attacks birthers when they show up to complain about Obama being born in Kenya but those same people didn't bother to check the facts about the Cuban execution of 36 people.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 07:05 pm
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 08:47 pm
How many did they kill?
bobsal u1553115
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 08:51 pm
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 08:52 pm
Nice try chimp. The real quetion, asshole is: how many did they want to kill, threatened to kill, **** you very much.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 08:56 pm
Slimy Baltimore FOX Affiliate Caught Faking "Kill a Cop" Protest Chant

Last edited Mon Dec 22, 2014, 05:26 PM - Edit history (1)
Source: Gawker

Last night, Baltimore's WBFF aired a video of protesters chanting "kill a cop"– evidence, it claimed, of murderously violent rhetoric on the part of anti-brutality protesters in Washington, D.C. The only problem? The protesters weren't chanting "kill a cop" at all, and there's video evidence to prove it.


We can't stop!

We won't stop!

'til killer cops are in cell blocks!

Not a particularly provocative chant, all things considered: protesters are announcing their intention to continue organizing until murderous police officers are put in jail. Fair enough!

That is, until Baltimore's local FOX affiliate got their hands on this video. Here's their interpretation of it:

We can't stop!

We won't stop!

So kill a cop!

The station's FB page:

Read more:

WBFF is the flagship station of the rightwing Sinclair Broadcast Group. I figure they're the real culprits here, rather than FOX, as networks have little to no input into local affiliate newscasts.

Sinclair, who owns the station, has a long history of inserting political propaganda into its "news" operations, and then forcing outlets in its nationwide chain to carry it. (I once worked for a station that was bought out and ruined by SBG, and can tell you stories about their rightwing advocacy and forcing content into affilaite shows)

The critics are getting this one a bit wrong and letting SBG off the hook.

Sinclair's take:

the real tape:
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 08:57 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
You race baiters like the taste of blood, don't they?
bobsal u1553115
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 09:01 pm
You love the taste of ****. There's no explaining taste.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 09:17 pm

Rep. Michael Grimm to plead guilty to felony count of tax evasion, sources say

The Staten Island Republican was charged in a 20-count indictment with hiding more than $1 million in income and wages at a Manhattan restaurant he co-owned. If he can escape prison time, he’s expected to try to keep his seat, according to a source.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/458043582.jpg?enlarged

BY John Marzulli , Dan Friedman

Published: Monday, December 22, 2014, 2:31 PM
Updated: Monday, December 22, 2014, 8:10 PM

New York Rep. Michael Grimm (R-Staten Island/Brooklyn). Andrew Burton/Getty Images New York Rep. Michael Grimm (R-Staten Island/Brooklyn).

After vowing to fight his criminal indictment “tooth and nail,” Rep. Michael Grimm of Staten Island has agreed to plead guilty Tuesday to a felony charge of tax evasion, the Daily News has learned.

Grimm’s admission of guilt will place his congressional career in danger, exactly seven weeks after he won reelection by an overwhelming margin.

Grimm was scheduled to enter the plea Tuesday before Judge Pamela Chen in Brooklyn Federal Court.

A Republican who served in the Marines and worked as an FBI agent, Grimm was charged in a 20-count federal indictment in April with hiding more than $1 million in sales and wages at an Upper East Side restaurant he co-owned, and with hiring undocumented immigrants.

He pleaded not guilty, and his trial was to begin in February.

Despite the indictment, Grimm trounced Democrat Domenic Recchia 55% to 42% on Nov. 4 to win a third term.

Recchia made the criminal case a central issue of his campaign, and at a debate on Oct. 17, Grimm was asked, “If found guilty, would you resign?”

“Certainly, if I was not able to serve, then of course I would step aside and there would be a special election,” he replied.

But if he can escape prison time, Grimm is expected to try to hold onto his seat, arguing he would still be “able to serve,” a source familiar with his thinking said.

Under federal law, Grimm faces up to three years behind bars on the tax evasion charge. As a first-time offender, however, he might not have to serve any time. That decision will be up to Chen when she sentences him sometime next year.

If Grimm is spared prison and refuses to resign, it would up to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to decide whether to force him to step down.

A Boehner confidant said Monday that the speaker likely would pressure Grimm to quit.

Boehner has been “merciless on discipline,” the confidant told The News. “The bar is extremely high.”

The source noted how Boehner, as House minority leader, forced Rep. Mark Souder (R-Ind.) to resign in 2010 for having an affair with a female staffer.

Boehner was equally tough in dealing with Christopher Lee, a Buffalo-area Republican who was pressured to quit in 2011 after emailing a shirtless photo of himself to a woman who posted a personal ad on Craigslist.

If Grimm somehow remained in Congress, he would be virtually powerless.

Under House Ethics Rule 23, any member convicted of a crime that carries a possible sentence of at least two years “should refrain” from voting on legislation “until he is reelected after the date of conviction.”

That means Grimm would be barred from participating in all House votes for the entire 114th Congress.

Grimm made national headlines last winter when he threatened to throw a television reporter over a balcony for asking about the federal investigation of his business dealings.

Investigators spent two years looking at his ownership and management of a restaurant, Healthalicious, from 2007 until 2010, when he was elected to Congress.

The indictment charged that Grimm kept two sets of books to hide more than $1 million in receipts and hundreds of thousands of dollars more in wages to lower his payroll, income and sales tax obligations.

Grimm said he was the victim of a “political witch hunt” designed to “assassinate my character and remove me from office.” He vowed to fight the charges “tooth and nail.”

“I know I’m a moral man, a man of integrity,” he said.

With James Warren
0 Replies
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 09:21 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
You love the taste of ****

Even if that is the case, it does not change the fact the left is violent and is never held accountable.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 22 Dec, 2014 10:26 pm
Remember this guy? It gets worse!


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