@cicerone imposter,
Quote:My advocacy is for equal rights for all. Look at how the GOP treats minorities, women, gays and lesbians, seniors, and even college students who must borrow money at high interest rates or funds are not available because the GOP votes against them. I'm at my wits end to see any hope; the same people who are the targets for the GOP vote for them.
The GOP votes against increasing the minimum wage - all while the middle class continues to lose ground and the wealthy gets richer. Those folks who live from paycheck to paycheck also vote for the GOP. Look at all the red southern states; the poorest of the poor. I just can't fight that kind of idiocy.
Why should I care?
Because of the above is why you should care and be active, CI. Look at how many states are now embracing Gays/Lesbians. Just a couple of decades ago the idea of men marrying men and women marrying women seemed preposterous. We are making strides because of people participation.
Many folks who live from pay check to pay check some time have two and three jobs and simply no time to focus of elections, so don't blame them. Many voters are low-information voters. It's really amazing how deficient in history, politics, and just basic education many in Americans are. That still is no reason for us to sit on our backside and do nothing. We should do our part, regardless of how miniscule.
The Red States are besides themselves with grief because a black man is president. They think by opposing everything on Obama's agenda, he will fail; it looks like the GOP hateful narrative is having profound results because of Obama's low poll ratings.
Obama has been a phenomenal success given the humungous mess he inherited from GWB before he could start his own decent administration. Two wars, unpaid for by the GOP. The consequences of that disastrous two-term administration lingers with us still.
Do you remember when Ted Cruz and his think-a-links shut down the government because of ACA the law of the land?! They also wanted to have a US debt default. The price of a US default would have been “a financial apocalypse” that would cause a worldwide economic depression. This is the sort of thing that affects everyone. Having a right wing ideology doesn’t magically protect your investments from crashing alongside the rest of the stock market.
The willingness of Republicans to take the debt ceiling and the federal budget hostage in order to try to extract concessions from Democrats is probably the most lasting gift that the Tea Party has granted the country.
Your vote along with all Americans voting Democratic will make a difference, I promise. We do not have a vote to lose in this highly critical midterm election!